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    Hegel's Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences: A Critical Guide (edited book)
    Cambridge University Press. 2021.
    Hegel regarded his Enyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences as the work which most fully presented the scope of his philosophical system and its method. It is somewhat surprising, therefore, that scholars regularly accord it only a secondary status. This Critical Guide seeks to change that, with sixteen newly-written essays from an international group of leading Hegel scholars that shed much-needed light on both the whole and the parts of the Encyclopedia system. Topics include the structure an…Read more
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    Hegel's Encyclopedic System (edited book)
    Routledge. 2021.
    This book discusses the most comprehensive of Hegel's works: his long-neglected Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Outline. It contains original essays by internationally renowned and emerging voices in Hegel scholarship. Their contributions elucidate fundamental aspects of Hegel's encyclopedic system with an eye to its contemporary relevance. The book thus addresses system-level claims about Hegel's unique conceptions of philosophy, philosophical "science" and its method, dialectic, …Read more
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    Hegel’s Century: Alienation and Recognition in a Time of Revolution
    International Journal of Philosophical Studies 30 (2): 184-188. 2022.
    It took time for Hegel’s star to rise. But once it did, it rose quickly. In a span of two years, Hegel went from teaching at a Gymnasium, relying on the benevolence of friend and professional conta...
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    It took time for Hegel’s star to rise. But once it did, it rose quickly. In a span of two years, Hegel went from teaching at a Gymnasium, relying on the benevolence of friend and professional conta...
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    Hegel’s Offene: Apperception, Absolution and the Absolute
    Hegel Bulletin 38 (1): 171-187. 2017.
    This paper offers a limited defence of two seemingly disparate interpretive approaches to free thought in Hegel’s JenaPhenomenology of Spirit. On the one hand, I defend the view of so-called post-Kantian Hegelians, that Kant’s synthetic unity of apperception is central to Hegel’s account of free thinking in thePhenomenology. On the other hand, I argue that the notions ofdas Offenein Heidegger’sVom Wesen der WahrheitandAb-Lösungin his 1930/31 lectures on Hegel’sPhenomenologyare no less crucial to…Read more
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    This paper concerns Hegel's early treatment of the productive imagination in his 1803–1804 Faith and Knowledge. I show how he articulates that activity in terms of a pair of speculative unities, which solve lingering problems of self-knowledge and self-constitution from Kant's B-deduction. On the one hand, I argue that the familiar unity of spontaneity and receptivity makes possible knowledge of the moment of self-positing. On the other hand, I contend that Hegel's talk of imagination as both an…Read more
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    Normative Pragmatism, Interpretationism, and Discursive Recognition
    Journal of Philosophical Research 42 379-398. 2017.
    I criticize the normative and interpretive practices of recognition that underlie discursive exchanges within Robert Brandom’s so-called ‘game of giving and asking for reasons.’ The central criticisms illuminate the shortcomings of Brandom’s approach on both descriptive and prescriptive grounds. As concerns the former, I show that Brandom’s account of the practices of discursive recognition cannot explain the means by which discursive beings acquire facility with the norms that guide their discu…Read more
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    Normative Pragmatism, Interpretationism, and Discursive Recognition
    Journal of Philosophical Research 42 379-398. 2017.
    I criticize the normative and interpretive practices of recognition that underlie discursive exchanges within Robert Brandom’s so-called ‘game of giving and asking for reasons.’ The central criticisms illuminate the shortcomings of Brandom’s approach on both descriptive and prescriptive grounds. As concerns the former, I show that Brandom’s account of the practices of discursive recognition cannot explain the means by which discursive beings acquire facility with the norms that guide their discu…Read more
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    Brandom and Gadamer on the Hermeneutical (Il)legitimacy of Rational Reconstruction
    International Journal of Philosophical Studies 21 (5): 735-754. 2013.
    (2013). Brandom and Gadamer on the Hermeneutical (Il)legitimacy of Rational Reconstruction. International Journal of Philosophical Studies. ???aop.label???
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    Despair and the determinate negation of Brandom’s Hegel
    Continental Philosophy Review 47 (2): 195-216. 2014.
    In this paper, I contend that Brandom’s interpretive oversights leave his inferentialist program vulnerable to Hegelian critique. My target is Brandom’s notion of “conceptual realism,” or the thesis that the structure of mind-independent reality mimics the structure of thought. I show, first, that the conceptual realism at the heart of Brandom’s empiricism finds root in his interpretation of Hegel. I then argue that conceptual realism is incompatible with Hegel’s thought, since the Jena Phenomen…Read more
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    Modern Philosophy (review)
    Teaching Philosophy 33 (3): 343-345. 2010.
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    Modern Philosophy (review)
    Teaching Philosophy 33 (3): 343-345. 2010.