•  2
    Terapia génica:¿ realidad o sólo un sueño de pipa?
    Ludus Vitalis 15 (27): 181-192. 2007.
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    Lenguaje informático Y moléculas de la Vida
    Ludus Vitalis 19 (36): 321-324. 2011.
  • Special Sciences and the Unity of Sciences
    with Olga Pombo -Universidade Lisboa, John Symons, and Shahid Rahman
    International audience.
  •  20
    Propuesta de un nuevo y complementario enfoque —el traductológico— para el estudio de los romanceamientos granadinos considerados en cuanto que testimonios únicos para la historia de la traducción del árabe al español y la historia del arabismo en España. Dicho enfoque se lleva aquí a la práctica ilustrado con dos romanceamientos inéditos llevados a cabo en 1517 por Bemardino Xarafí, escribano público y romanceador de la ciudad de Granada y su Reino. La edición de los mismos se acompaña de un am…Read more
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    This volume reflects on the effects of recent discoveries in genetics on a broad range of scientific fields. In addition to neuroscience, evolutionary biology, anthropology and medicine, contributors analyze the effects of genetics on theories of health, law, epistemology and philosophy of biology. Social and moral concerns about the relationship between genetics, society and the individual also figure prominently. Genetic discoveries fuel central contemporary public policy debates concerning, f…Read more
  •  16
    Special Sciences and the Unity of Sciences (edited book)
    with Olga Pombo Lisboa, John Symons, and Shahid Rahman
    Springer. 2012.
    International audience.
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    Science is a dynamic process in which the assimilation of new phenomena, perspectives, and hypotheses into the scientific corpus takes place slowly. The apparent disunity of the sciences is the unavoidable consequence of this gradual integration process. Some thinkers label this dynamical circumstance a ‘crisis’. However, a retrospective view of the practical results of the scientific enterprise and of science itself, grants us a clear view of the unity of the human knowledge seeking enterprise.…Read more
  •  18
    On the limits of enhancement in human gene transfer: Drawing the line
    Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 22 (1): 43-53. 1997.
    Enhancement-line human genetic engineering has recurrently been targeted for bioethical discussion and is usually illustrated by examples alluding to a genetic technology that is far beyond our current possibilities. By discussing an ambitious project related to solid tumor cancers – multidrug resistance – the present paper places the question on a more realistic plane and draws bioethical conclusions to serve as guidelines in the field. The paper also establishes the inadequacy of the prevalent…Read more
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    El concepto de salud y el proceso de genetización
    Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 2 13. 2013.
  •  13
    El concepto de salud y el proceso de genetización
    Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 3 13-21. 2014.
    Health means today something more than the absence of illness or suffering of disability, as the pioneer theories of health had assumed. To be healthy also involves not having genetic mutations that indicate inexorably premature dead or serious disabilities. Genetic tests, whose amount and use grow day by day, have open these predictive possibilities for medicine and, at the same time, influenced for a more strict notion of health. The pathology known as ‘Huntington’s Chorea’ is an example of th…Read more
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    Genetic Tools, Kuhnean Theoretical Shift and the Geneticization Process
    Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (1): 3-12. 2005.
    The growing use of genetic tests in medical practice has a strong influence on some widespread notions of health and unhealth. Two consequences of this phenomenon are: (i) important changes in the meaning of these current notions and, therefore, (ii) the arrival of a new taxonomy or rearrangement for the so-called “health-concepts”. This paper attempts to demonstrate that both facts fuel a theoretical change that might be considered a model of scientific Kuhnean change in a fundamental aspect. O…Read more
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    Introduction (Dossier : Design et aménagement : quelques enjeux éthiques)
    with Rabah Bousbaci and Anne Marchand
    Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 5 (2): 49-51. 2010.
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    Introduction au dossier "Comprendre et façonner la ville avec des enfants : éthique et participation"
    with David Driskell
    Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 4 (1): 67-68. 2009.
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    Agir de manière appropriée : la participation des jeunes à l’aménagement
    Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 4 (1): 88-96. 2009.
    La réflexion sur l’éthique et la participation des jeunes et des enfants à l’aménagement com- porte au moins deux dimensions : d’une part, les justifications d’une telle participation ; d’autre part, les problèmes que la pratique participative fait émerger et face auxquels les cadres de réfé- rence conventionnels (non participatifs) ne sont pas toujours utiles. Le présent article aborde ces deux dimensions et explore leurs liens à la lumière de trois méthodes distinctes en matière d…Read more
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    L’approche phénoménologique en urbanisme : la recherche d’une meilleure pratique, la pratique d’une meilleure recherche
    with Sandra Breux
    Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 5 (2): 117-125. 2010.
    En urbanisme, l’approche phénoménologique permet de se pencher sur l’expérience de l’individu et, plus précisément, sur le rapport que celui-ci entretient avec son milieu de vie. Cette approche permet de concevoir des milieux de vie mieux adaptés aux besoins et aux expectatives des individus et suppose des démarches d’aménagement qui accordent un rôle important au citoyen. Toutefois, si l’approche phénoménologique est couramment utilisée dans le cadre de travaux théoriques, elle est difficilemen…Read more
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    Éthique et environnement : Introduction
    Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 7 (3): 69-70. 2012.
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    The importance of genetic services for the theory of health: a basis for an integrating view of health (review)
    Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 5 (1): 43-51. 2002.
    The first part of this article shows that oureffective means to know and modify directly thehuman genetic make-up generates singular anddifficult situations for the application offundamental medical categories. Specifically,we demonstrate that in dealing with thesesituations, some predominant views on health,such as descriptivism or that which reduces thestate of health to not having presentdisabilities, cannot provide adequate answerseither from the point of view of medicalscience or in terms o…Read more