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    The Art of Interpretation: Rosenweig’s Midrash and Heidegger’s Hermeneutics
    Journal of Chinese Philosophy 42 (1-2): 99-124. 2015.
    The shared trajectory and thought between the phenomenological hermeneutics of Martin Heidegger and midrashic analysis of Franz Rosenzweig is established with respect to the task of taking up existing “classical” texts such as “The Song of Songs” and “The Ister” as well with respect to the embodied conditions of understanding through language with a view to delineating the motivating factors and the structural guidelines that determine our interpretive activities; specifically, intentional struc…Read more
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    Manuel de philosophie
    with Amédée Florent Jacques and Émile Edmond Saisset
    Hachette. 1873.
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    When the Scaffolding Falls Away
    Philosophy Today 55 (4): 401-411. 2011.
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    Motivation in Spinoza and Rosenzweig or transgressing the boundaries of a rationally constructed self
    Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 54 (1): 137-140. 2009.
    The article introduces a critical distinction into an analysis of the phenomenon of human motivation out of the philosophies of Spinoza and Rosenzweig through an alternative reading of their respective conceptions of motivation. The essay attempts to show how the ethical problem of motivation entails the concept of transgression in these two great thinkers
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    Tracing the Sacred, Tracing the Face
    Levinas Studies 6 (1): 9-28. 2011.
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    Tracing the Sacred, Tracing the Face
    Levinas Studies 6 9-28. 2011.
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    Two German philosophers working during the Weimar Republic in Germany, between the two World Wars, produced seminal texts that continue to resonate almost a hundred years later. Franz Rosenzweig—a Jewish philosopher, and Martin Heidegger—a philosopher who at one time was studying to become a Catholic priest, each in their own, particular way include in their writings powerful philosophies of art that, if approached phenomenologically and ethically, provide keys to understanding their radically d…Read more