426On the Role of the Political Theorist Regarding Global InjusticeGlobal Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 6 40-53. 2013.Interview of Katrin Flikschuh, Rainer Forst and Darrel Moellendorf by Valentin Beck and Julian Culp for Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric.
394On the Role of the Political Theorist Regarding Global InjusticeGlobal Justice Theory Practice Rhetoric 6 40-53. 2013.Interview of Katrin Flikschuh, Rainer Forst and Darrel Moellendorf by Valentin Beck and Julian Culp for Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric.
208Horray for Global Justice? Emerging Democracies in a Multipolar WorldGlobal Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 7 39-66. 2014.Rising powers are fundamentally shifting the relations of power in the global economic and political landscape. International political theory, however, has so far failed to evaluate this nascent multipolarity. This article fills this lacuna by synthesizing empirical and normative modes of inquiry. It examines the transformation of sovereignty exercised by emerging democracies and focuses especially on the case of Brazil. The paper shows that – in stark contrast to emerging democracies’ foreign …Read more
67Educational justicePhilosophy Compass 15 (12). 2020.Philosophical conceptions of educational justice are centered at the intersection of political philosophy and philosophy of education. They justify moral‐political rights to education and sometimes also determine who is responsible for their realization through which kinds of pedagogical practices or systemic educational reform. This article concentrates on contemporary conceptions of educational justice in primary and secondary education and highlights central practical implications that the va…Read more
62Disaggregated pluralistic theories of global distributive justice – a critiqueJournal of Global Ethics 13 (2): 168-186. 2017.Pluralistic theories of global distributive justice aim at justifying a plurality of principles for various subglobal contexts of distributive justice. Helena de Bres has recently proposed the class of disaggregated pluralistic theories, according to which we should refrain from defending principles that apply to the shared background conditions of such subglobal contexts. This article argues that if one does not justify how these background conditions should be regulated by principles of a just…Read more
53Rising powers' responsibility for reducing global distributive injusticeJournal of Global Ethics 10 (3): 274-282. 2014.Rising powers like India and Brazil have recently been gaining considerable economic and political power. This has led to the emergence of a nascent multipolarity in global affairs. Theorists of global distributive justice, however, continue to focus almost exclusively on the responsibility of the established powers for combating global poverty and neglect whether there is a similar responsibility of rising powers. That focus neglects that great shifts have occurred in the distribution of the ec…Read more
51Critical remarks on Simon Caney's humanity- centered approach to global justiceEthic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 15 (1): 50-64. 2016.The practice-independent approach to theorizing justice holds that the social practices to which a particular conception of justice is meant to apply are of no importance for the justification of such a conception. In this paper I argue that this approach to theorizing justice is incompatible with the method of reflective equilibrium because the MRE is antithetical to a clean separation between issues of justification and application. In particular I will be maintaining that this incompatibility…Read more
44Introduction: education and migrationJournal of Global Ethics 14 (1): 5-10. 2018.This introduction expounds educational problems that arise from transnational migration. It argues that it is high time to critically analyze normative issues of and in education under conditions of globalization because dominant approaches in normative philosophy of education tend to suffer from both a nationalist bias and a sedentary bias. The contributions to this special issue address normative problems pertaining to migration-related education from a variety of ethical and philosophical per…Read more
42Normative reconstruction without foundationEuropean Journal of Political Theory 15 (2): 248-255. 2016.
41Internationalizing Nussbaum’s model of cosmopolitan democratic educationEthics and Education 13 (2): 172-190. 2018.Nussbaum’s moral cosmopolitanism informs her capability-based theory of justice, which she uses in order to develop a distinctive model of cosmopolitan democratic education. I characterize Nussbaum’s educational model as a ‘statist model,’ however, because it regards cosmopolitan democratic education as necessary for realizing democratic arrangements at the domestic level. The socio-cultural diversity of virtually every nation, Nussbaum argues, renders it mandatory to educate citizens in a cosmo…Read more
31The Cambridge Handbook of Democratic Education (edited book)Cambridge University Press. 2023.What kind of education is needed for democracy? How can education respond to the challenges that current democracies face? This unprecedented Handbook offers a comprehensive overview of the most important ideas, issues, and thinkers within democratic education. Its thirty chapters are written by leading experts in the field in an accessible format. Its breadth of purpose and depth of analysis will appeal to both researchers and practitioners in education and politics. The Handbook addresses not …Read more
26What Can we Learn from ‘Postmodern’ Critiques of Education for Autonomy?Analyse & Kritik 39 (2): 373-392. 2017.Lyotard defines being postmodern as an ‘incredulity toward metanarratives’. Such incredulity includes, in particular, skepticism vis-à-vis Enlightenment ideals like autonomy. Motivated by such skepticism, several educational scholars put into question education for autonomy as it is practiced in the formal settings of national school systems. More specifically, they criticize that practices of autonomy education can have certain normalizing and ideological eects that undermine the aim of creatin…Read more
26Democratic Citizenship Education in Digitized Societies: A Habermasian ApproachEducational Theory 73 (2): 178-203. 2023.In this article Julian Culp offers a new conceptualization of democratic citizenship education in light of the transformations of contemporary Western societies to which the use of digital technologies has contributed. His conceptualization adopts a deliberative understanding of democracy that provides a systemic perspective on society-wide communicative arrangements and employs a nonideal, critical methodology that concentrates on overcoming democratic deficits. Based on this systemic, delibera…Read more
24Reciprocity in Economic GamesAnalyse & Kritik 33 (1): 349-364. 2011.The evidence of laboratory experiments of behavioral economists shows that individuals behave reciprocally. These data put into question the pure self-interest thesis of human motivation of the homo oeconomicus model and call for alternative models. Focusing on the explanation of reciprocal behavior in Trust Games, this article proposes two directions that economists and other social scientists might want to consider in order to establish a more solid foundation for economic theory. First, it pr…Read more
24Degenerations of democracy By CraigCalhoun, Dilip ParameshwarGaonkar, CharlesTaylor, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2022, pp. 368. $29.95 (hbk). ISBN: 9780674237582 (review)Constellations 31 (1): 124-126. 2024.Constellations, EarlyView.
23On the Role of the Political Theorist Regarding Global InjusticeGlobal Justice : Theory Practice Rhetoric 6. 2014.Interview of Katrin Flikschuh, Rainer Forst and Darrel Moellendorf by Valentin Beck and Julian Culp for Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric
23Global Justice and DevelopmentPalgrave Macmillan. 2014.Defending a procedural conception of global justice that calls for the establishment of reasonably democratic arrangements within and beyond the state, this book argues for a justice-based understanding of social development and justifies why a democracy-promoting international development practice is a requirement of global justice.
23Against all odds: Peace education in times of crisisEducational Philosophy and Theory 49 (10): 1029-1037. 2017.Contexts of violent, intractable conflict such as those present in Israel, Nigeria, or Iraq represent times of severe crisis. Reducing the high indices of violence is very urgent, but the attempts of establishing peaceful arrangements in the short- or medium-term usually fail. Peace education, by contrast, is a long-term endeavor to resolve violent, intractable conflicts that aims at affecting moral stances that the conflicting parties take vis-à-vis each other. Unfortunately, however, peace edu…Read more
22Tietjens Meyers, Diana, ed. Poverty, Agency, and Human Rights.New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. Pp. 376. $99.00 ; $39.95 (review)Ethics 126 (1): 234-238. 2015.
22Democratic Education in a Globalized World – A Normative TheoryRoutledge. 2019.Due to the economic and social effects of globalization democracy is currently in crisis in many states around the world. This book suggests that solving this crisis requires rethinking democratic education. It argues that educational public policy must cultivate democratic relationships not only within but also across and between states, and that such policy must empower citizens to exercise democratic control in domestic as well as in inter- and transnational politics. Democratic Education in…Read more
21Global Justice and International Affairs, edited by Thom BrooksJournal of Moral Philosophy 13 (2): 249-252. 2016.
21G. A. Cohen, Constructivism, and the Fact of Reasonable PluralismAnalyse & Kritik 37 (1-2): 131-148. 2015.In this article I argue that G.A. Cohen is mistaken in his belief that the concept of justice needs to be rescued from constructivist theorists of justice. In doing so, I rely on insights of John Rawls’ later work Political Liberalism and Rainer Forst’s discourse theory of justice. Such critical engagement with Cohen’s critique of constructivism is needed, because Cohen bases his critique of constructivism almost exclusively on Rawls’s arguments and positions in A Theory of Justice. He thus negl…Read more
20A vindication of transnational democratic education – replies to Michael Festl, Martin Beckstein and Michael GeissEthics and Global Politics 13 (3): 155-174. 2020.In Democratic Education in a Globalized World (Routledge, 2019) I defend a discourse theory of global justice as the appropriate normative1 ground for conceiving educational justice and citizenship education under conditions of economic and political globalization. In addition, I articulate democratic conceptions of global educational justice and citizenship education that recognize a moral-political right to democratically adequate education and call for the creation of transnational democratic…Read more
19Bildung und GerechtigkeitZeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 74 (2): 296-309. 2020.The article shows the interlacement of political philosophy and philosophy of education by justifying educational justice as central normative ground for analyzing educational policies as well as by defending a democratic conception of educational justice. In order to ground the importance of the concept of educational justice, the article explains the shortcomings of the alternative – functionalist and liberal perfectionist – normative grounds of educational policy. Then, the article develops a…Read more
17A neo-feudal world order? Introduction to the symposium on Peter Hägel’s Billionaires in World PoliticsJournal of Global Ethics 18 (2): 196-200. 2022.ABSTRACT The central aim of Peter Hägel’s Billionaires in World Politics (BWP) is to challenge the assumption that private individuals lack agency and power in world politics – an assumption that is widely shared in the field of International Relations (IR). Hägel’s methodological strategy to achieve this aim is twofold. First, he concentrates on minutest biographical aspects of billionaires to lay bare the idiosyncrasy of their choices, and to falsify, thus, structuralist assumptions of how ind…Read more
17Special Issue on Global Justice and EducationGlobal Justice : Theory Practice Rhetoric 12 (1). 2020.N/A
16Horray for Global Justice? Emergin Democracies in a Multipolar WorldGlobal Justice Theory Practice Rhetoric 7 39-66. 2014.Rising powers are fundamentally shifting the relations of power in the global economic and political landscape. International political theory, however, has so far failed to evaluate this nascent multipolarity. This article fills this lacuna by synthesizing empirical and normative modes of inquiry. It examines the transformation of sovereignty exercised by emerging democracies and focuses especially on the case of Brazil. The paper shows that – in stark contrast to emerging democracies’ foreign …Read more
16Education and MigrationRoutledge. 2020.This collected volume addresses issues pertaining to education and migration from a variety of philosophical and ethical perspectives. It is high time to critically analyze ethical issues in education under conditions of globalization, not only because migration and globalization are topical issues, but also because dominant academic approaches in the ethics and political philosophy of education have a tendency to narrow their focus on the education of sedentary citizens. However, many learners …Read more