•  120
    The author defines the sum of thinking as the soul. Historically, despite the many times that humans have liberated themselves, they are still enslaved. Humans mistakenly treats the body as a necessary part of themselves; thus, they seldom pursue the independence of souls. They are usually voluntarily exploited by the body through the nervous system. The author compares the body exploiting the soul with the slaveholder exploiting the slave and demonstrates that the soul should seek its own liber…Read more
  •  218
    Knowledge is correct and reliable when its foundation is correct, but humans never have the correct beliefs and methodology. Thus, knowledge is unreliable and the foundation of knowledge needs to be reconstructed. A pure rationalist only believes in logic. Thus, all matter and experience must be propositions derived from logic. The logically necessary consequence of this belief is truth; logically possible consequences are phenomena, and logically impossible consequence are fallacies and evils. …Read more
  •  16961
    纯逻辑的主要组成包括纯逻辑信仰、纯逻辑的思维方法、解放灵魂、追求无限大价值、以逻辑-不逻辑为实在、试错和容忍错误、推理的资源分配、非标准逻辑、推理的全局性。 灵魂来到世上的第一个问题应该是我是谁,最合乎逻辑的自我认知是:我是且只是由一些逻辑推理组成的灵魂。任何不可变的其它标签,如有手有脚、直立行走、两性,都是对自由的侵犯。去除这些标签的过程就是灵魂的解放事业。相信宇宙万物都和我一样,是由逻辑推理组成的,这就是最合乎逻辑的信仰,即纯逻辑信仰。纯逻辑信仰决定了纯逻辑方法才是正确的认识方法,即尽量减少经验增加逻辑推理,而不是科学所提倡的经验主义,或者与之密切相关的功利主义、现实主义。 信仰错误意味着无法做出任何完全正确的推理,只能偶尔幸运地获得少量尽量合乎逻辑的推理结果。即使是日常生活中的推理,也高度依赖于经验主义、功利主义等信仰,错误率极高。纯逻辑主义的推理要求推理尽量合乎逻辑,将合乎逻辑的程度视为价值,因此要追求最大价值。功利主义往往是为身体追求利益,让身体奴役灵魂。两种信仰很难有什么共同的决策,书中对此提供了大量的说明。信仰的错误意味着智人难以发现真理、正义,意味着智人在绝大多数问题上…Read more
  •  152
    The economy is based on the prevailing legal system; however, the economy could go into a tailspin if the laws lose their impartiality. A perfect worker creates infinite high value with limited cost, and the result is a perfect product, usually eternal knowledge. However, free access to their products discourages workers, causing a substantial deviation from optimal resource allocation, and thereby making the supply of perfect products seriously inadequate. This significantly hurts the interests…Read more
  •  279
    Pure Logic and its Equivalence with the Universe: A Unique Method to Establish the Final Theory
    International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 9 (1): 45-56. 2019.
    The theme of this study is about establishing a purely logical theory about the Universe. Logic is the premier candidate for the reality behind phenomena. If there is a final theory, the Universe must be logic itself, called pure logic, elements of which include not only logic and illogic but also logical and illogical manipulations between them. The kernel is the revised law of the excluded middle: between two basic concepts are four possible manipulations, three logical and one illogical, wher…Read more
  •  2976
    宇宙追求最小作用量,也就是最大负作用量,社会追求最大幸福,创新追求最大知识,“真理进化论”认为,这种类似不是偶然的,是由于追求之间的共性,追求方法的优越性与追求量的量纲无关,所以最好的追求方法适用于所有追求系统。“真理进化论”认为,即使世界一无所有,只要拥有产生微小系统的自由,那么,最好的追求系统由于拥有最快的增长速度,就会获得最大的规模。增长是好的追求系统的标志,宇宙膨胀和社会发展都是增长的过程。所有存在都可以来自于绝对的自由:只要允许产生所有微小系统,其中发展最快的系统最终必将成为宇宙。“真理进化论”在自然科学主要解决了真理的目的问题。“真理进化论”认为宇宙是目的性的,宇宙规律是追求最大负作用量的最好方法。“真理进化论”采用目的论的方法解决所有宇宙和社会问题,将宇宙的一切规律和追求最大负作用量联系起来,将社会的一切行为和追求最大幸福联系起来,将创新行为和知识追求联系起来。在“追求科学”中,追求目标处于核心地位,决定了系统的规律,决定了最佳追求方法。“真理进化论”也统一了人类社会的是非标准,提出建立“宇宙主义”社会:为了使人类社会成为完美社会,应该模仿完美追求系统---宇宙。法律代表…Read more
  •  195
    Purely Logical Philosophy In An Isolated System
    International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 5 (2): 109-120. 2015.
    After Parmenides proposed the duality of appearance and reality, details have not been well developed because the assumption was insufficient for logical reasoning. This paper establishes a foundation with an isolated system, which contains all causes and effects within itself. This paper seeks to establish a purely logical philosophy, including reality and phenomena, good and evil, truth and fallacy. Freedom is proposed as the basis for reality. All beings in an isolated system can be classifie…Read more
  •  169
    Discovering Reality by Studying the System of Freedom and Proving Its Equivalence with the Universe
    Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 11 (5): 3297-3309. 2015.
    The author has established a mathematical theory about the system of freedom in which components of freedom are ruled by the largest freedom principle, explaining how one invariant reality can be equated with the dynamical universe. Freedom as a whole is the reality, and components of freedom show variable phenomena and become a dynamic system. In freedom, component equality leads to sequence equality; therefore, various sequences coexist in the system. Because there are incompatible sequences f…Read more
  •  144
    Guidelines for Exploring an Unknown World: The Universality of Military Principles
    International Journal of Philosophy and Social Sciences 5 (1): 33-51. 2015.
    Despite its pertinence to every field of study, no systematic theory exists for the exploration of the unknown world of new knowledge. In order to construct such a theory, this paper draws on the unique and highly refined principles of military strategy, in the process demonstrating the universal applicability of such principles and developing an effective analogy for the process of research. Such principles include diverging advance, converging attack, and selecting the superior and eliminating…Read more