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    Strata, Narrative, and Space in Ici et ailleurs
    Film-Philosophy 27 (2): 173-196. 2023.
    This article examines the pedagogic vision of audiovisual archives in Ici et ailleurs ( Here and Elsewhere, 1974/1978) (shot by Sonimage and drawn from the abandoned project Jusqu’à la Victoire [1970]) in terms of the stratification of images and sounds. Drawing on Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault, Tom Conley writes that a diagram that depends upon the division between the visible and the enunciable may be comprehended in terms of a map and as a line of forces. Such strata can act as signposts…Read more
  • Sensitive Aesthetics of Jean-Luc Nancy and Moving Images (edited book)
    with Zsolt Gyenge
    Edinburgh University Press. forthcoming.