Karen Yan

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
  •  42
    Grief is a complex emotional experience or process, which is typically felt in response to the death of a loved one, most typically a family member, child, or partner. Yet the way in which grief manifests is much more complex than this. The things we grieve over are multiple and diverse. We may grieve for a former partner after the breakup of a relationship; parents sometimes report experiencing grief when their grown-up children leave the family home. We can also experience grief for people we …Read more
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    A Scientometric Approach to the Integrated History and Philosophy of Science: Entrenched Biomedical Standardisation and Citation-Exemplar
    with Meng-Li Tsai and Tsung-Ren Huang
    International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 36 (2): 143-165. 2023.
    1. Biomedical sciences are fast-growing fields with unprecedented speed of research outputs, especially in the quantities of papers. Philosophers aiming to study ongoing biomedical changes face cha...
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    Empirically-informed philosophy of mind (EIPM) has become a dominant research style in the twenty-first century. EIPM relies on empirical results in various ways. However, the extant literature lacks an empirical description of how EIPM philosophers rely on empirical results. Moreover, though EIPM is essentially a form of cross-disciplinary research, it has not been analyzed as cross-disciplinary research so far. We aim to fill the above two gaps in the literature by producing quantitative and q…Read more
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    Philosophy of Neuroscience
    《華文哲學百科》. 2020.
    神經科學哲學 (philosophy of neuroscience) 是科學哲學下的一個新興子領域,主要在探討神經科學研究活動中所牽涉的哲學問題。這裡指的研究活動包含設計實驗、使用特定研究技術、工具或方法、建構模型、推理模式、與科學說明等。本條目首先將簡述神經科學哲學興起的背景,而後詳述二十一世紀神經科學哲學的發展重點。
  • Pluralistic Epistemic Values in Neuroscientific Modeling
    Taiwanese Journal for Studies of Science, Technology and Medicine 34 103-140. 2022.
    Philosophers of neuroscience have been employing scientific explanation as an epistemic value to evaluate neuroscientific models for the past twenty years. Consequently, they have developed mechanistic and non-mechanistic accounts of neuroscientific explanation. These two types of accounts explicate how to use a specific kind of explanatory value to evaluate the epistemic value of neuroscientific models. This paper presents a case study involving the canonical models from mathematical and comput…Read more
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    Philosophy of Cross-Disciplinarity
    《華文哲學百科》. 2022.
    跨領域 (Cross-Disciplinarity) 研究是一種至少橫跨兩個研究領域的研究活動。Klein (1990, 1996) 追朔出經濟合作暨發展組織 (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) 於 1970 年舉辦的會議是最早使用跨領域這個詞。在過往強調精緻化專業分工的學術發展潮流下,跨領域研究活動型態常被貶抑為不專精或次等的研究活動。然而,從近二十年來,世界各大研究經費機構的科技研究補助政策來看,跨領域研究很明顯地已成為當今顯學。舉例來說,美國的國家科學基金會 (National Science Foundation),在傳統學術領域的組織架構之外,特別增設跨領域研究項目,並宣示將把促進跨領域研究作為高度優先的政策目標。[1] 歐洲聯盟委員會 (European Commission) 於 2014 年與 2020 間,總共投入了 80 億歐元來資助一個大型的跨領域研究計畫 Horizon 2020,[2]其中一項重要任務便是改變既有學界與業界的跨領域合作模式,以加速研發創新的速度。台灣政府所提出的台灣 2…Read more
  • Integrating Scientonomy with Scientometrics
    with Meng-Li Tsai and Tsung-Ren Huang
    In Hakob Barseghyan, Jamie Shaw, Paul Edward Patton & Gregory Rupik (eds.), Scientonomy: The Challenges of Constructing a Theory of Scientific Change, Vernon Press. pp. 67-82. 2021.
    Scientonomy is the field that aims to develop a descriptive theory of the actual process of scientific change (Barseghyan, 2015). Scientometrics is the field that aims to employ statistical methods to investigate the quantitative features of scientific research, especially the impact of scientific articles and the significance of scientific citations (Leydesdorff & Milojević, 2013). In this paper, we aim to illustrate how to methodologically integrate scientonomy with scientometrics to investiga…Read more
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    Improving the quality of case-based research in the philosophy of contemporary sciences
    with Meng-Li Tsai and Tsung-Ren Huang
    Synthese 198 (10): 9591-9610. 2020.
    This paper aims to address some methodological issues related to case-based research in the philosophy of contemporary sciences. We focus on the selection processes by which philosophers pick or generate a particular set of papers to conduct their case-based research. We illustrate how to use various quantitative and qualitative methods to improve the epistemic features of the selection processes, and help generate some potential case-based hypotheses for further philosophical investigation.
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    Knowledge, certainty, and skepticism: A cross-cultural study
    In Stephen Stich, Masaharu Mizumoto & Eric McCready (eds.), Epistemology for the rest of the world, Oxford University Press. pp. 187-214. 2017.
    We present several new studies focusing on “salience effects”—the decreased tendency to attribute knowledge to someone when an unrealized possibility of error has been made salient in a given conversational context. These studies suggest a complicated picture of epistemic universalism: there may be structural universals, universal epistemic parameters that influence epistemic intuitions, but that these parameters vary in such a way that epistemic intuitions, in either their strength or propositi…Read more
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    Brain Networks, Structural Realism, and Local Approaches to the Scientific Realism Debate
    Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 64 1-10. 2017.
    We examine recent work in cognitive neuroscience that investigates brain networks. Brain networks are characterized by the ways in which brain regions are functionally and anatomically connected to one another. Cognitive neuroscientists use various noninvasive techniques (e.g., fMRI) to investigate these networks. They represent them formally as graphs. And they use various graph theoretic techniques to analyze them further. We distinguish between knowledge of the graph theoretic structure of su…Read more