30The gamification of dating onlineTheoria. forthcoming.Dating apps like Tinder are designed to be played like a game. Users play by swiping left and right on others’ profiles to indicate whether they are romantically or sexually interested in them. They match with those who reciprocate their interest. The goal of the game is to match with as many people as possible, prioritizing rapid gratification over the pursuit of meaningful connections. Tinder’s design elements and monetization strategies incentivize users to prioritize gathering matches, repla…Read more
36Virtual fictional actionsJournal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. forthcoming.Virtual fictionalism is the view that virtual reality is a kind of fiction. We imagine that what we see and hear in virtual reality is real, although it is not. The problem with this view is that there are real moral concerns with our use of virtual reality, from violent video games to cases of virtual groping on social platforms. If what we do in virtual reality is just make-believe, the fictionalist cannot explain the real moral harms of our virtual actions. Call this the moral objection to vi…Read more
38Video Game Fictions: A Dual-Work ViewJournal of the Philosophy of Games 4 (1). 2022.Video games fictions are interactive: some of the content is set by the game designer and some is set by the player. However, philosophers disagree over how this interaction is reflected within the fictional content of video games. First, I will show that games and playthroughs are two distinct works of fiction with their associated fictional content. Second, I argue that players engage with both fictional works when playing a video game. They imagine the fictional truths associated with the gam…Read more
44Public understanding of artificial intelligence through entertainment mediaAI and Society 39 (2). 2022.Artificial intelligence is becoming part of our everyday experience and is expected to be ever more integrated into ordinary life for many years to come. Thus, it is important for those in product development, research, and public policy to understand how the public’s perception of AI is shaped. In this study, we conducted focus groups and an online survey to determine the knowledge of AI held by the American public, and to judge whether entertainment media is a major influence on how Americans …Read more
39Folk Theories and User Strategies on Dating AppsIn Karim Nader & Min Kyung Lee (eds.), iConference 2022: Information for a Better World: Shaping the Global Future, . pp. 445-458. 2022.The goal of this paper is to understand the experience of users with algorithmic filtering on dating apps by identifying folk theories and strategies that users employ to maximize their success. The research on dating apps so far has narrowly focused on what we call algorithmic pairing–an explicit pairing of two users together through a displayed compatibility score. However, algorithms behind more recent dating apps work in the background and it is not clear to the user if and how algorithmic f…Read more
96Dating through the filtersSocial Philosophy and Policy 37 (2): 237-248. 2020.In this essay, I explore ethical considerations that might arise from the use of collaborative filtering algorithms on dating apps. Collaborative filtering algorithms can predict the preferences of a target user by looking at the past behavior of similar users. By recommending products through this process, they can influence the news we read, the movies we watch, and more. They are extremely powerful and effective on platforms like Amazon and Google. Recommender systems on dating apps are likel…Read more
81Virtual competitions and the gamer’s dilemmaEthics and Information Technology 22 (3): 239-245. 2020.This paper expands Rami Ali’s dissolution of the gamer’s dilemma (Ethics Inf Technol 17:267-274, 2015). Morgan Luck’s gamer’s dilemma (Ethics Inf Technol 11(1):31-36, 2009) rests on our having diverging intuition when considering virtual murder and virtual child molestation in video games. Virtual murder is seemingly permissible, when virtual child molestation is not and there is no obvious morally relevant difference between the two. Ali argues that virtual murder and virtual child molestation …Read more
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyDepartment of Linguistics and PhilosophyPostdoctoral Associate
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America
Areas of Specialization
Technology Ethics |
Aesthetics |
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Technology Ethics |
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Applied Ethics |