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    Does Controversial Science Call For Public Participation? The Case Of Gmo Skepticism
    Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 12 (1): 26-50. 2017.
    Andreas Christiansen,Karin Jonch-Clausen,Klemens Kappel | : Many instances of new and emerging science and technology are controversial. Although a number of people, including scientific experts, welcome these developments, a considerable skepticism exists among members of the public. The use of genetically modified organisms is a case in point. In science policy and in science communication, it is widely assumed that such controversial science and technology require public participation in the …Read more
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    Scientific Facts and Methods in Public Reason
    Res Publica 22 (2): 117-133. 2016.
    Should scientific facts and methods have an epistemically privileged status in public reason? In Rawls’s public reason account he asserts what we will label the Scientific Standard Stricture: citizens engaged in public reason must be guided by non-controversial scientific methods, and public reason must be in line with non-controversial scientific conclusions. The Scientific Standard Stricture is meant to fulfill important tasks such as enabling the determinateness and publicity of the public re…Read more
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    Social Epistemic Liberalism and the Problem of Deep Epistemic Disagreements
    Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (2): 371-384. 2015.
    Recently Robert B. Talisse has put forth a socio-epistemic justification of liberal democracy that he believes qualifies as a public justification in that it purportedly can be endorsed by all reasonable individuals. In avoiding narrow restraints on reasonableness, Talisse argues that he has in fact proposed a justification that crosses the boundaries of a wide range of religious, philosophical and moral worldviews and in this way the justification is sufficiently pluralistic to overcome the cha…Read more