8Diderot et Watteau: vers une poétique de l'image au XVIIIe siècleL'Harmattan. 2019.Comment rapprocher Diderot et Watteau, qui représentent deux conceptions artistiques foncièrement différentes? C'est dans une perspective interdisciplinaire, au croisement de la théorie de l'art, de la critique d'art et des études littéraires que les essais rassemblés dans le présent recueil proposent une réflexion peu conventionnelle sur les perceptions de l'image au xvii siècle. Au fil de notions difficilement définissables, telles que la mélancolie, le rêve, la grâce ou la lége…Read more
56Ästhetische Kommunikation in Europa 1700–1850 / Aesthetic Communication in Europe 1700–1850 (edited book)De Gruyter. 2025.Volume 74 in the series Hallesche Beiträge zur Europäischen Aufklärung Die vor-autonome und noch nicht auf das Feld der Künste beschränkte Ästhetik des ›langen 18. Jahrhunderts‹ strebte eine interdisziplinäre und internationale Kommunikationspraxis an, die eine universelle Verständigung unter den Menschen ermöglichen sollte. Der Band versammelt Beiträge zu der europäischen Geschichte dieser anthropologisch ausgerichteten ästhetischen Kommunikation. Die Aufsätze der ersten Sektion beschäftigen si…Read more
14The article aims to analyse, following the example of some paintings of Delacroix, how the “invisible part” of the painting can be made visible by the colour. To do this, we shall draw on the critical writings that Baudelaire devoted to the painting of Delacroix. At the same time, by focusing on the notion of sentiment, we shall try to connect, from a historical perspective, the colourist conception of the painting to the artistic theories of the Enlightenment, and point up the modifications und…Read more
21Les singes de WatteauOstium 14 (2). 2018.The aim of this study is to examine different possible meanings of the expression “Watteau’s monkeys”. In its literal sense, it leads us to those works of the artist which represent monkeys: to the arabesque entitled The Monkeys of Mars, to the engraving called Amour mal accompagné and to his two paintings in which monkey artists can be found. In a more abstract and theoretical sense, this expression is related – in a pejorative way – to artistic imitation: it may refer to Watteau’s epigones, wh…Read more
7Images du rêve des Lumiêres: Watteau et FragonardOstium 12 (3). 2016.The aim of the present paper is to illustrate the representations of the dream in the French painting of the eighteenth century, based on the analysis of a few paintings of Watteau and Fragonard and of some theoretical and critical texts of their time as well. Doing so, the article tries to find an answer to the question whether it is possible to find figurative patterns of the representation of the dream and to establish a typology of the oneiric paintings in the Age of Enlightenment.
379La couleur et le sentiment de la chair dans les premiers "Salons" de DiderotDiderot Studies 30. 2007.
Aesthetics of Sentiment and Affective Language: Some Aspects of the Aesthetic Reflection of Du BosArchiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 57 165-178. 2012.
Szeged UniversityAssociate Professor
Sorbonne Université
PhD, 2001
Szeged, Hungary
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