•  28
    Can We Be Happy?
    Philosophy Now 80 8-11. 2010.
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    The Challenge of Eternal Recurrence
    Philosophy Now 93 16-18. 2012.
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    Philosophy Now 95 31-34. 2013.
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    Is Love An Art?
    Philosophy Now 85 6-9. 2011.
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    A Poetic Perspective on Subjectivity
    Cosmos and History : The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 8 (1): 323-338. 2012.
    The claim of this paper is that the poetic word enables a creative and insightful perspective on philosophical issues through a mode of expression which is less curtailed by the academic and traditional conventions more commonly assumed in philosophical works. The poetic perspective is potentially more daring, more courageous, more challenging and ultimately more honest than that afforded by ‘pure’ philosophy. This paper, through an examination of Eliot’s poetry, asserts this claim, with particu…Read more
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    The Possibility of Love Explored Through the Poetry of William Wordsworth
    Cosmos and History : The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 4 (1-2): 178-201. 2008.
    This paper addresses the poetry of William Wordsworth as a significant expression of literary romanticism. It argues for a more comprehensive understanding of the tenets of romantic poetry, and consequently for a greater acknowledgement of its contribution to human knowledge, human understanding and human development than has hitherto been recognized. In particular, the paper explores Wordsworthrsquo;s reflections on the role of love in human living, the obstacles to the experience of love and t…Read more
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    Emerson's Argument for Self-reliance as a Significant Factor in a Flourishing Life
    Journal of Philosophy of Life 2 (1): 102-110. 2012.
    This essay explores Emerson’s reflections on self-reliance with particular reference to Emerson’s understanding of the concept of self-reliance, his view of ‘conformity’ as the major obstacle to self-reliance, and the moral significance of his thought. The essay is based on the premise that Emerson’s philosophy of self-reliance, self-reference and self-responsibility has a relevance and an application to our contemporary lives which are often conducted through subtle shades of compliance and acq…Read more
  • Slavoj Zizek on Neighbourly Love
    Lobstick 7 51-60. 2010.
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    Camus' Challenge: The Question of Suicide (Is life worth living)
    Journal of Humanistic Psychology. forthcoming.
    In the opening essay of The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays, Camus states that ‘There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy’ (Camus, 2005: 1). He argues that all the other questions of philosophy, dealing with truth, knowledge, ethics, science, language and so on, are necessarily secondary to this question: ‘I therefore conclude that the meaning of life is t…Read more
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    International Journal of Existential Psychology and Psychotherapy. forthcoming.
    Many aspects of life today are perceived as complex and perplexing, and in particular the many-faceted area of human relationships. This article argues that the ideas and visions of Carl Rogers offer a constructive and encouraging perspective which merits a re-examination and a consideration of its relevance in our contemporary world. Rogers’ work was primarily directed towards the development of his counselling and psychotherapeutic theories. However, his writings also convey a deep commitment …Read more
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    Nietzsche's Challenge: Eternal Recurrence
    Journal of Humanistic Psychology. forthcoming.
    Can philosophy help to provide insight or understanding in relation to questions and dilemmas frequently encountered in the individual’s life? A blurring of the boundaries between the disciplines of philosophy and psychology may result in the enrichment of both schools of thought, especially as they relate to concrete human experience. This article examines how Nietzsche’s theory of eternal recurrence may be applied to personal experience in everyday life, particularly in relation to the common…Read more
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    The book is essentially a philosophical analysis of an emotion that significantly impacts on human experience.
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    ‘Can We be Happy?’
    Philosophy Now (80): 8-11. 2010.
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    Was Freud at Heart a Realistic Romantic?
    Kritike 3 (1): 94-115. 2009.
    The birth of psychoanalysis at the close of the nineteenth centurycoincided with a questioning of philosophical traditions and methodsepitomized by Nietzsche’s assault on current thinking. The Enlightenment had seen the questioning of religion as an explanation and a revelation of reality and of human life within that reality; science had been instigated as a more ‘enlightened’ and a more rational provider of truth and knowledge; but the ongoing nature of philosophical thought continued to encou…Read more
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    Nietzsche's Reflections on Love
    Minerva - An Internet Journal of Philosophy 12 178-201. 2008.
    In light of his assertion of ‘perspectivism’, in relation to thought and understanding, the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche resists conclusive analysis and interpretation. His work is commonly associated with ambiguous concepts such as self-creation, self-reliance and self-mastery, resulting in a concentration on individual, private and personal experience. This paper acknowledges Nietzsche’s focus on introspection, self-analysis and self-centredness. However, it is argued that this aspect of …Read more
  • The claim of this paper is that the work of the Irish poet, Brendan Kennelly, offers a unique and creative exploration of some significant experiences of life in contemporary Ireland; these experiences include the effects of religious, educational and political influences on social and personal freedom and limitation, the paradoxical assumption of conservative and restrictive aims and methods by a newly-established independent state, and the conflict between the private and complex experience of…Read more
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    A perennial question of philosophy, literature and psychoanalysis centres on the impact of love in human living, and endeavours to offer definition and explanation of this concept. From the Pre-Socratics, through Plato and Aristotle, to Derrida and Kristeva, philosophical reflections on ‘truth’, ‘meaning’, and subjectivity inevitably involve an exploration of the centrality of love in human experience, its significance as a characteristic of being human, and its response to the question ‘how is…Read more
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    This paper looks to the work of Paul Ricoeur as a means to explore the apparent paradox of the existential aloneness of the self and the unquenchable drive towards connection which is integral to the human condition. The tension between the self and the other than self is an issue affording no easy understanding or resolution. It is the assertion of this paper that Ricoeur’s philosophy, dealing in a unique way with concepts of narrative and interpretation, identity and recognition, and selfhood …Read more
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    This paper addresses the poetry of William Wordsworth as a significant expression of literary romanticism. It argues for a more comprehensive understanding of the tenets of romantic poetry, and consequently for a greater acknowledgement of its contribution to human knowledge, human understanding and human development than has hitherto been recognized. In particular, the paper explores Wordsworth’s reflections on the role of love in human living, the obstacles to the experience of love and the es…Read more
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    Martin Buber
    Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 17 (2): 15-34. 2009.
    The author posits that an exploration of Buberian texts suggests a Nietzschean influence, both in the aphoristic and poetic style of his literature and in his insistence on an embrace of the totality of what it is to be human.