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    Članek pričenja z antinomijami Marxovega pojmovanja proletariata, da bi v skladu z Balibarjevo obravnavo nerešljivih problemov Spinozove misli preizprašal nekatere nerešljive probleme Marxove teorije. Pri tem je ključnega pomena način, na katerega Spinoza vzpostavi kratek stik med fizično idejo samooblikovanja materije in metafizično idejo vzročnega samoporajanja Biti. Obe perspektivi izključujeta transcendenco, čudež, Božji načrt in druge sorodne oblike meta-ontološkega ali proti-znanstvenega p…Read more
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    French philosopher Louis Pierre Althusser (1918 -1990) helped define the politico-theoretical conjuncture of pre- and post-1968. Today, there is a recrudescence of interest in his thought, especially in light of his later work, published in English as Philosophy of the Encounter (Verso, 2006). This has led to renewed debates on the reformulation of conflicting notions of materialism, on the event as both philosophical concept and political construction, and on the nature of politics and the poli…Read more