•  9
    The effect of unconditional preferences on Sen’s paradox
    with Julian Edward
    Theory and Decision 93 (3): 427-447. 2022.
    Sen’s Liberal paradox describes a conflict between weak Pareto, minimal liberalism, and either transitivity or a best element over a domain of individual preferences. This paper examines variants of that paradox with varying amounts of unconditional preferences. We define a notion of unconditional preferences under which, in the absence of Pareto, there can be no cycles. We then define a stronger condition, that makes an individual’s preferences for her own private attributes independent of all …Read more
  •  36
    The pareto efficiency and expected costs of k-majority rules
    with Julian Edward
    Politics, Philosophy and Economics 3 (2): 161-189. 2004.
    Florida International University, USA edwardj{at}fiu.edu ' + u + '@ ' + d + ' '/ /- -> Several authors have analyzed the optimal k -majority rule based on a variety of criteria. Buchanan and Tullock argued that, in constitutional settings, the criterion should be that all changes meet the Pareto criterion; otherwise the status quo should be preferred. They then asserted that unanimity rule would be the preferred voting rule in this setting. In parliamentary settings, they claimed that a near maj…Read more