Body, Soul, and the Medium in De Anima's Account of SensationIn Demetra Sfendoni-Mentzou (ed.), Proceedings of the World Congress Aristotle 2400 Years. pp. 153-158. 2019.
20Guest Editors’ Introduction: Ethical Management of Intangible Assets in Contemporary OrganizationsBusiness Ethics Quarterly 27 (3): 381-392. 2017.
19Special Issue on: Managing Intangible Ethical Assets: Enhancing Corporate Identity, Corporate Brand, and Corporate Reputation to Fulfill the Social ContractBusiness Ethics Quarterly 24 (2): 310-312. 2014.
25Special issue on: Managing intangible ethical assets: Enhancing corporate identity, corporate brand, and corporate reputation to fulfill the social contractBusiness Ethics Quarterly 24 (3): 504-506. 2014.
40Local firms in their home countries often engage in behavior that constitutes corruption, at least through some cultural lenses. One such practice is bribery of public officials. This study uses multilevel theory to address the question of why bribery activity of this type differs among countries. We analyze responses from nearly 4,000 firms worldwide using hierarchical linear modeling to investigate cross-level predictions about bribery. Drawing from anomie theory, we find support for country-l…Read more
22Special Issue on: Managing Intangible Ethical Assets: Enhancing Corporate Identity, Corporate Brand, and Corporate Reputation to Fulfill the Social ContractBusiness Ethics Quarterly 24 (1): 162-164. 2014.
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