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    Scientism: Philosophy and the Infatuation with Science (review)
    with Roger Harris, Vincent Geoghegan, Anthony Elliott, Chris Arthur, Michael Gardiner, David Macey, Nöel Parker, Alex Klaushofer, Gary Kitchen, Tom Furniss, Christopher J. Arthur, Sadie Plant, Fred Inglis, Matthew Rampley, Alison Ainley, Daryl Glaser, Jean-Jacques Lecercle, Sean Sayers, Keith Ansell-Pearson, and Lucy Frith
    Radical Philosophy 61 (61). 1992.
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    In this piece, the author examined the impact of ideology, experience, and privilege on pre-service Social Studies teacher disposition. Findings suggest that participants conceptually understood injustice and began to critique social antagonisms like whiteness and class. However, they continued reinforcing raced and classed ideologies in their interactions with those outside their group. When faced with the cognitive dissonance between stated ideology and their privileged position, the more libe…Read more
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    Conservatism For Our Time
    Philosophical Quarterly 41 (164): 367-369. 1991.
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    Sorting through citizenship: A case study on using cognitive scaffolding to unpack adolescent civic identity formation
    with Victoria Davis Smith, Brooke Blevins, and Nate Scholten
    Journal of Social Studies Research 46 (3): 223-235. 2022.
    Civic engagement requires individuals to have both knowledge of democratic principles and the skills for enacting change. Acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary for a productive civic life can be difficult for students if they are not provided conceptual scaffolds and opportunities to practice citizenship. We implemented and studied an activity using Westheimer and Kahne's (2004) citizenship typology during a summer civics institute to help students grapple with their understandings of “go…Read more
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    Actions, Intentions, and Awareness and Causal Deviancy
    The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 26 38-52. 1998.
    In Davidson's example of causal deviancy, a climber knows that he can save himself from plummeting to his death by letting go of a rope connecting him to a companion who has lost his footing, but the thought of the contemplated act so upsets him that he lets go unintentionally. Causation of behavior by intentional states that rationalize it is not enough for it to count as acting. Therefore, the behavior must be caused in 'the right way' or by the Right Kind of Cause. The immediate cause in Davi…Read more
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    Critical historical inquiry: The intersection of ideological clarity and pedagogical content knowledge
    with Brooke Blevins and Cinthia Salinas
    Journal of Social Studies Research 44 (1): 35-50. 2020.
    This paper presents the relationship between pedagogical content knowledge and political/ideological clarity as a framework for understanding the nuanced interpretations and applications of critical social studies pedagogy and practice. Using a qualitative case study research design, this study explores the decision-making process of two novice social studies teachers as they decide if and how to utilize critical historical inquiry within their classrooms. Findings indicate that teachers’ use of…Read more