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  • Punishment
    In , . 2005.
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    Mary's Menses and Morality
    In Robert Arp & Kevin S. Decker (eds.), The Ultimate South Park and Philosophy, Wiley. 2013.
    In “Bloody Mary,” a statue of the Virgin Mary is depicted as bleeding, apparently “out its ass.” The author wonders whether Parker and Stone were doing something morally wrong by using blasphemy for comic effect. The author had an intuition that some moral boundary was crossed. But, though moral philosophy can sometimes begin with intuitions, it can't end with them. A philosophy that proclaims an action moral or immoral has to be grounded in good reasons and solid evidence along with intuitions.…Read more
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    What is Inhuman Treatment?
    Criminal Law and Philosophy 6 (1): 21-30. 2012.
    In this article, I propose and argue for a conception of inhuman treatment. In the human rights context, I claim, inhuman treatment is that which is grossly degrading. Relative to “cruel,” “inhumane,” and “degrading,” “inhuman” has received little attention from moral philosophers. My aim here is to analyze this concept in greater depth in order to determine what it brings to discussions about punishment and other kinds of treatment. I begin by drawing distinctions between “inhuman,” “inhumane,”…Read more
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    Disenfranchising Felons
    Journal of Applied Philosophy 22 (3): 217-239. 2005.
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    Free Will Denial and Punishment
    Social Theory and Practice 39 (2): 223-240. 2013.
    If we lack the kind of free will required for moral responsibility, what does that entail for the justification of particular punitive practices and punishment generally? Everyone seems to agree that incarceration can still be justified, and that retributive justifications of punishment will be unavailable. Beyond this, however, there is little agreement. In this article, I evaluate Derk Pereboom’s discussion of this issue in Living Without Free Will, and then articulate and defend my own positi…Read more
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    Is Corporally Punishing Criminals Degrading?
    Journal of Political Philosophy 20 (4): 481-498. 2011.
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    Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2005.