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    Religious Reasons and Liberal Legitimacy
    Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 12 (1): 1-16. 2023.
    This article addresses the exclusivism–inclusivism debate about religious reasons in law within a justificatory liberal framework. The question of whether religious reasons have justificatory capacity for attaining public justification has increasingly been seen as a matter of how public justification is understood between two rival models: the consensus model being aligned with exclusivism, the convergence model with inclusivism. More recently, however, that alignment has been challenged with a…Read more
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    Disaggregating a Paradox? Faith, Justice and Liberalism’s Religion
    Biblioteca Della Libertà 56 (232): 53-82. 2021.
    Being robustly committed to state neutrality which does not permit the promotion of liberal-perfectionist ideals and denying that there is anything normatively relevant or ‘special’ about religion leaves liberal-egalitarians embroiled in a paradox. If religion is not special, how and why do liberal states afford it differential treatment (in comparison with non-religious analogues like secular doctrines or deeply-held beliefs of individual conscience)? This paper explores liberal-egalitarian str…Read more
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    Schiller on Aesthetic Education as Radical Ethical-Political Remedy
    British Journal of Aesthetics 63 (4): 553-578. 2023.
    This paper examines the iconic conception of aesthetic education in the work of Friedrich Schiller, with the aim of elucidating Schiller’s unique innovation of this notion in understanding i) the relationship between aesthetic and ethical value and ii) the transformative possibilities within a collective, social dimension of aesthetic experience. The paper provides an overview of the Kantian origins of Schiller’s aesthetic programme (Section 1). It then considers Schiller’s critique of the perce…Read more