Kozi Asano

Toyota Technological Institute
  •  31
    A Study of Plato's Metaphysics in the "Republic"
    Dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin. 1997.
    Plato's theory in the Republic has been a model for realist metaphysics. His text, however, is not easy to understand because his language is often only suggestive or metaphorical with the result that many different interpretations have flourished, especially in this century, and many questions have not been resolved. ;My dissertation is a new and up-to-date defense of a traditional reading of Plato's metaphysics in the Republic, focusing on three central problem areas: the degrees of reality, P…Read more
  •  14
    D. Miller on our Responsibility to the Global Poor
    Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 51 7-11. 2018.
    I want to discuss D. Miller’s arguments concerning our responsibility to secure the basic human rights everywhere in the world. His arguments are very interesting because he tries to balance two perspectives to see human beings. First, as needy and vulnerable creatures, we need certain items or conditions in order to have minimally decent human lives. Without those items or conditions, we are harmed. Second, as choosing agents, we are responsible for the consequences of our actions. In the first…Read more