• Genuine CSR motive and organizational attractiveness: The effects of a Company's inconsistent CSR behaviors on moral jobseekers
    with JiHoon Jhang and Se-Hyung Oh
    Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility. forthcoming.
    Research on recruitment shows that jobseekers display positive attitudinal and behavioral responses to potential employers' corporate social responsibility (CSR), while corporate social irresponsibility (CSI) works contrariwise. However, few studies have examined how jobseekers react to companies that show the two attributes in an inconsistent way. This study investigates how jobseekers' perceptions of a company, shaped by its CSR history, are changed based on its recent CSR/CSI practices. It al…Read more
  • Growth of civic organizations in South Korea
    with Dong-Joon Shin and J. Kim
    Social Research: An International Quarterly 6 (2): 75-101. 2005.
  •  198
    WTO는 2005. 3. 7. EC 제소의 선박산업에 대한 보조금지급에 관한 한국과 EC 간의 通商紛爭에 관 하여 패널결정을 선고하였으며, 양국의 항소포기로 인하여 4. 12. 분쟁해결기구가 동 결정을 채택하고 그 이행에 관하여 감시하고 있다. 즉, WTO는 제소국인 EC가 대한민국의 수출입은행법 및 동법 시행 령, 동 법령에 근거한, 개별적 특혜조치, 대우, 한라, 대동 등 우리 나라 주요 조선기업에 대한 특혜적 구조조정이 WTO가 허용하지 않는 금지보조금 및 조치가능보조금에 해당한다고 주장하면서 대한민국 정부를 상대로 제소한 통상분쟁과 관련하여 대부분 EC의 주장을 배척하고 일부 개별적 거래가 WTO 의 보조금 및 상계조치에 관한 협정에 위반한다는 결정을 내린 것이다. 이에 따라 WTO는 피소국인 대한민국에게 지체없이 동 일부 특혜조치 등을 철회할 것을 권고하였고, 대한민국 정부는 이를 이행할 의무를 부담하게 되었다. 본 사안을 통하여 WTO는 보조금 및 상계조치에 관한 해석론…Read more
  •  147
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to e…Read more
  •  119
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to e…Read more
  •  159
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to e…Read more
  •  119
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to e…Read more
  •  140
    The following provides to facilitate a better understanding of Niche doctoral programs, which was elaborated on the frequency of major institutions within the doctoral program listings. While no definitive ranking unlike the college rankings and programs is available, we are able to conjecture the breadth of doctoral programs for the list institutions. Others on instant sense may see in a mild aura of college or program strength. Then, they may refer to A/B/C tables below the Niche Doctoral Rank…Read more
  •  135
    The major research universities in the United States had been investigated for the doctoral ranking of 2022 College Factual. The investigation had been performed as best as possible for the accuracy of data, but never be perfect nor exhaustive. Suggestion and advice are truly welcome (Kiyoung Kim, Professor of Law and Public Policy, College of Law and Social Studies, Chosun University, Gwang-ju, South Korea. I plan that the data would be used for the next research publication. The institutions h…Read more
  •  173
    The global economy has showed progress in terms of a new reign of multilateral cooperation represented by the World Trade Organization (WTO). On the other hand. regional integration creates economic benefits as illustrated by the creation of the EU and NAFTA. East Asia has also seriously pursued prospects for economic integration. producing considerable successes thus far. A Free Trade Agreement is a useful tool to assist in this evolution of trade relations. and South Korea. one of the major ec…Read more
  •  186
    법의 系統으로 분류할 때 사회주의 국가권을 제외하면 일반적으로 성문제정법 중심의 대륙법계와 보통법 및 법원의 판례법을 법으로 인식하는 영미법계의 兩大 法界가 존재한다. 법은 일반적으로 국가를 전제로 한 개념으로 인식되고 있으며, 따라서 사법의 경우 국가마다 자신의 私法을 가지고 있고, 국제사회의 발달과 함께 사법의 통일노력은 꾸준히 지속되어 왔다. 사법의 통일방식에는 다양한 유형이 있 고, 그 중 하나가 超國家法(Non-State Norms)의 제정을 통한 통일이다. UNIDROIT Principles와 유럽 계약법원칙은 초국가법의 제정을 통한 사법통일의 대표적 실례이다. UN계약법원칙이라고도 불리는 UNIDROIT Principles은 중세 상인법(lex mercatoria)의 현대적 부활로 불리며, 대륙법과 영미법이 조화를 이룬 잘 된 입법으로 평가받고 있고 향후 사법통일의 지표와 시금석 역할을 하고 있다. 그러나 초국가법의 제정에 의한 사법통일은 그 法源性 및 대륙법계와 영미법…Read more
  •  188
    The paper aims to briefly look into the civil law remedies of CISG from the perspective of economic efficiency. It mainly illustrates the basic tools of remedies in CISG, and discusses its strengths and flaws from the standpoint of economic deals normally present in most of commercial transactions. As many literature have long contributed to the legal economic discourse, our discussion, as a matter of course, largely depends on the current stronghold, or prospect that those theories espouse. Gen…Read more
  •  281
    In retrospect of Hague convention on international sale of goods, the efforts had been poured in the initiative of UNCITRAL since 1968 triggering more welcome international treaty on the area of law. The efforts came to reality where the committee in action, comprised of 14 countries, concluded a final draft in 1978. In 1980, it was adopted as United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(CISG). While the treaty is deemed a marvellous success within the purview of un…Read more
  •  144
    1995년 세계무역기구가 출범하면서 구 GATT체제와 달리 국제통상에 관한 분쟁해결절차가 대폭 정 비되었다. 逆滿場一致制의 채택, 處理時限의 명시, 국제통상에 있어 법치주의의 구체화를 위한 抗訴機 構의 설치 등 舊體制와는 매우 다른 양상을 보이고 있다. 우리의 경우 국제무역은 국가의 미래가 걸려 있는 문제이고, 세계가 경제전쟁화되고 있는 현실에서 이러한 체제변화는 우리 정부나 법률 전문가의 관심 사항이 아닐 수 없다. 이러한 맥락에서 본고는 법치주의, 사법적극주의, 심판관의 역할이라는 명 제하에 세계무역기구 항소기구체제의 성격과 문제점을 조명하고 검토한다. 세계무역기구 분쟁해결시스 템은 국내사법체제나 다른 국제사법체제와 달리 비교적 역사가 일천하나, 향후 선례의 축적에 따라서 는 국제사회에서의 법치주의 달성에 있어 하나의 典型을 제공할 수 있는 가능성이 크다. 그러나 국제 협정체제라는 본질적 한계로 인하여 항소기구가 처하고 있는 현실은 그리 쉬운 것도 아니다. 국제통상 에 있어서의 …Read more
  •  252
    미합중국은 하나의 국가이다. 그리고 그 國家性에 관한 법적 성격은 우리나라와 같은 단 일국가의 경우와는 달리 연방국가이다. 정치적으로나 대외관계에 있어 하나의 국가로 행동하고 국제법적으로도 하나의 국가로 취급되고 있지만, 聯邦政府와 州와의 관계에 있어 어떠한 구도로 헌법체계 내지 국가체계가 이루어져 있는가는 헌법을 연구하는 학도로서 매우 궁금한 주제가 아닐 수 없다. 이 문제는 한 두 논문으로 해결할 수 없는 매우 광범위한 학문적 문제를 함유하고 있는 것이 사실이다. 물론 그 핵심에 위치하고 있는 것은 단일국가의 경우 와 같이 연방국가의 국가구성에 관한 합의를 담고 있는 연방헌법임은 물론이고, 또 그것이 그 문제에 관한 유일한 권위이다. 이 복잡한 주제를 살펴봄에 있어 본고에서는 가장 소박하게 연방의회와 연방법원의 권한을 살펴 봄으로써 연방국가와 주간의 국가성의 문제의 일각을 해결하여 보려고 시도하였다. 쉽게 말하면 연방국가 내지 연방정부는 단일국가의 중앙정부와 같은 포괄적이고 최고…Read more
  •  190
    美國通商法上 禁輸措置(Embargo)에 관한 法理
    기업법연구 20 (3): 315-346. 2006.
    This paper explores the legal issues of embargo centering on judicial review of the trade administration. Embargo, one type of trade regulation, has a distinctive nature in that it involves an entire forestall of the importation from foreign countries. It is also distinguished from other tools of trade regulation, including anti-dumping tariffs, countervailing measure on the subsidies since it entangles with other complex considerations of diplomacy, national security, public health, and environ…Read more
  •  163
    In order for the liberalization and increase of international trade, the free trade agreement is generally deemed a most useful instrumentality within the region. Under the WTO regime, we can see that a plethora of FTA arrangements are negotiated, come into the treaty laws, as well as operate to regulate the binational or tri-national trade disputes on the regional basis. As most typical and frequented in FTAs, they usually include an arbitration and binational panel procedure as a dispute settl…Read more
  •  168
    This paper intends to articulate the jurisdictional issue of the Court of International Trade(CIT), particularly dealing with a legal dispute of the Anti-dumping law. While the international trade grows to be marshaled by a new institutional arrangement of WTO dispute settlement system, the role of CIT correspondingly plays a great deal of effect on this area of laws. It is considered that both arbitrating institutions have to drive a reasonable rule over the trade issues. This is particularly s…Read more
  •  156
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to e…Read more
  •  137
    미국에서의 평등권에 관한 이론
    Studies on the Asia-Pacific Public Law 7 83-113. 2000.
    The author surveyed the theory and practice of equal protection under the US constitutionalism.
  •  141
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to e…Read more
  •  142
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to e…Read more
  •  152
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to e…Read more
  •  137
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to e…Read more
  •  112
    1.The judicial system in the nations is generally considered as an important public institution to promote the liberty and social justice. The role and influence of public policy and administration can hold a considerable power in the shaping of Korean judicial system. The current literature in this field is just on legal theory, and little is known about the processes, actions and interactions of players relating with the elements of public policy studies. 2. The study’s purposes were: (a) to e…Read more