•  22
    Collectivity and Agency in Remembering and Reconciliation
    with David Middleton
    Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 5 (1): 16-30. 2003.
    This paper examines how British war veterans fold together war time and post war experiences in practices of remembering and reconciliation. We examine these practices as networks of association between British ex-servicemen (veterans) and the people, places and circumstances associated with their experiences as prisoners in Japan during WW2. We focus on the experience of World War 2 British ex-servicemen (veterans) who were prisoners of war in Far East. During their period of captivity they wor…Read more
  •  9
    Grave matters: collectivity and agency as emergent effects in remembering and reconciliation
    with D. Middleton
    Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 34 (2): 273-296. 2006.