•  13
    An exploration of the meaning and role of the concepts of empathy and sympathy in Herder’s thought, showing that the two concepts permeate his entire philosophy.
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    Infants use statistical information in their environment, as well as others’ emotional communication, to understand the intentions of social partners. However, rarely do researchers consider these two sources of social information in tandem. This study assessed 2-year-olds’ attributions of intentionality from non-random sampling events and subsequent discrete emotion reactions. Infants observed an experimenter remove five objects from either the non-random minority (18%) or random majority (82%)…Read more
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    Contact Heat Evoked Potentials Are Responsive to Peripheral Sensitization: Requisite Stimulation Parameters
    with Jenny Haefeli, Catherine R. Jutzeler, Jan Rosner, Jessica McDougall, Armin Curt, and John L. K. Kramer
    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13. 2020.
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    An Empirical Comparison of Human Value Models
    with Paul H. P. Hanel and Gregory R. Maio
    Frontiers in Psychology 9. 2018.
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    Saksa kirjandus Noor-Eesti ajal. Young Estonia and German Literature
    Methis: Studia Humaniora Estonica 1 (1-2). 2008.
    Impelled by a desire to free themselves from the German influence that had dominated the development of Estonian literature, and from the one-sided relation of cultural dependence that had lasted several hundred years, the Young Estonia movement sought to modernize Estonian literature through borrowing from other European literatures, in particular from French, Scandinavian, and Finnish. This article seeks to clarify the relative importance and selection criteria of translations from German lite…Read more
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    Teesid: Artikkel käsitleb maailmakirjanduse mõiste mahu ja sisu muutumist alates selle esilekerkimisest 19. sajandi algupoolel kuni tänapäeva käsitlusviisideni ja dilemmadeni, mille ees seisab võrdlev kirjandusteadus – distsipliin, mis peab maailmakirjandust oma uurimisobjektiks. Juttu tuleb ka väikese kirjanduse spetsiifilisest suhestumisest maailmakirjandusega ning maailmakirjanduse uurimisest ja õpetamisest Tartu ülikoolis alates selle rajamisest 1632 kuni eriala institutsionaliseerumiseni ta…Read more
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    Postural Communication of Emotion: Perception of Distinct Poses of Five Discrete Emotions
    with Peter J. Reschke, Jennifer M. Knothe, and Eric A. Walle
    Frontiers in Psychology 8 256361. 2017.
    Emotion can be communicated through multiple distinct modalities. However, an often-ignored channel of communication is posture. Recent research indicates that bodily posture plays an important role in the perception of emotion. However, research examining postural communication of emotion is limited by the variety of validated emotion poses and unknown cohesion of categorical and dimensional ratings. The present study addressed these limitations. Specifically, we examined individuals’ (1) categ…Read more