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    Moral Absurdity and Care Ethics in The Good Place
    In Kimberly S. Engels (ed.), The Good Place and Philosophy, Wiley. 2020-08-27.
    The price for morality as the meaning of existence is the entrance of another kind of absurdity, a moral absurdity. Clearly, there is something absurd about life on The Good Place. Moral worth, both on The Good Place and in our real‐life existence, comes in degrees. Deontological views, most famously associated with Immanuel Kant, hold that the morality of an action is determined based on whether or not it adheres to a moral rule. Care requires being flexible in different situations so as to bes…Read more
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    Madness and Modernism: Insanity in the Light of Modern Art, Literature, and Thought (review)
    Metapsychology Online Reviews 22 (19). 2018.
    Madness and Modernism is undoubtedly one of the most profound and perspicacious treatments of an illness that is utterly baffling to most laypersons and academics alike. Sass artfully brings together two obscure, complex, and unnerving realms -- the schizophrenic and the modern and postmodern aesthetic -- into mutual enlightenment. The comparisons between schizophrenic symptoms such as loss of ego boundaries, perspectival switching, and world catastrophe with modern literature and art is so adro…Read more