Laura Menatti

KLI, Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research Klosterneuburg, Austria
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    Health and environment from adaptation to adaptivity: a situated relational account
    History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (3): 1-28. 2022.
    The definitions and conceptualizations of health, and the management of healthcare have been challenged by the current global scenarios (e.g., new diseases, new geographical distribution of diseases, effects of climate change on health, etc.) and by the ongoing scholarship in humanities and science. In this paper we question the mainstream definition of health adopted by the WHO—‘a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’ (WHO i…Read more
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    Landscape and Health: Connecting Psychology, Aesthetics, and Philosophy through the Concept of Affordance
    with Antonio Casado da Rocha
    Frontiers in Psychology 7 182719. 2016.
    In this paper we address a frontier topic in the humanities, namely how the cultural and natural construction that we call landscape affects well-being and health. Following an updated review of evidence-based literature in the fields of medicine, psychology, and architecture, we propose a new theoretical framework called “processual landscape,” which is able to explain both the health-landscape and the medical agency-structure binomial pairs. We provide a twofold analysis of landscape, from bot…Read more
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    From Non-Place to Rhizome
    Environment, Space, Place 3 (2): 22-50. 2011.
    Rosario Assunto, an Italian philosopher of aesthetics begins one of his most interesting and dense essays with a terrifying image about the Earth where we live—“calvizie della terra dissacrata” (1983, 15)—meaning that the Earth becomes bald because of the actions of the man and loses every characteristics of beauty and sacredness. According to Assunto’s theory the homo oeconomicus is the author and the promoter of a Promethean, titanic, industrial, and malodorous town where the sense of art, bea…Read more