•  39
    Brain activity classifies adolescents with and without a familial history of substance use disorders
    with Jianping Qiao, Zhishun Wang, Lupo Geronazzo-Alman, Cristiane Duarte, Seonjoo Lee, George Musa, Jun Long, Xiaofu He, Thao Doan, Joy Hirsch, and Christina W. Hoven
    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9. 2015.
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    What is Wrong with Rational Suicide
    with Avital Pilpel
    Philosophia 39 (1): 111-123. 2011.
    Recently, the ‘right to die’ became a major social issue. Few agree suicide is a right tout court. Even those who believe suicide (‘regular’, passive, or physician-assisted) is sometimes morally permissible usually require that a suicide be ‘rational suicide’: instrumentally rational, autonomous, due to stable goals, not due to mental illness, etc. We argue that there are some perfectly ‘rational suicides’ that are, nevertheless, bad mistakes. The concentration on the rationality of the suicide …Read more
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    There is nothing to fear but the amygdala: applying advances in the neuropsychiatry of fear to public policy
    with Spencer Harbo and Amitai Halberstam
    Mind and Society 14 (1): 141-152. 2015.
    The last 25 years have seen advances in our understanding of the neuroscience and neuropsychiatry of fear. From the basic brain mechanisms of fear to new evidence-based treatments for the pathologies of fear, the field has experienced progress towards an understanding of the underpinnings of fear in the brain and its influence on behaviors. Yet, to date, there has been less than ideal incorporation of these new findings, insights and models into the public policy and economic domains. Even when …Read more