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    Rethinking Science as a Vocation: One Hundred Years of Bureaucratization of Academic Science
    with John P. Walsh
    Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (5): 1057-1085. 2022.
    One hundred years ago, in his lecture Science as a Vocation, Max Weber prefigured a transition from science as a calling to science as bureaucratically organized work. He argued that a calling for science is critical for sustaining scientific work. Using Weber’s arguments for science as a vocation as a lens, in this paper, we discuss whether a calling for science may become difficult to maintain in increasingly bureaucratized scientific work—and also whether such a calling is necessary for the a…Read more
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    Experiencing affective music in eyes-closed and eyes-open states: an electroencephalography study
    with Yun-Hsuan Chang, Keng-Chen Liang, I.-Ping Chen, Chen-Gia Tsai, and Shulan Hsieh
    Frontiers in Psychology 6 148149. 2015.
    In real life, listening to music may be associated with an eyes-closed or eyes-open state. The effect of eye state on listeners’ reaction to music has attracted some attention, but its influence on brain activity has not been fully investigated. The present study aimed to evaluate the electroencephalographic (EEG) markers for the emotional valence of music in different eye states. Thirty participants listened to musical excerpts with different emotional content in the eyes-closed and eyes-open s…Read more