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    Window Opening Behavior of Residential Buildings during the Transitional Season in China’s Xi’an
    with Xiaolong Yang, Jiali Liu, Qinglong Meng, Yingan Wei, Mengdi Wu, Yuxuan Shang, Liang Zhang, and Yingchen Lian
    Complexity 2022 1-16. 2022.
    Window opening behavior in residential buildings has important theoretical significance and practical value for improving energy conservation, indoor thermal comfort, and indoor air quality. Climate and cultural differences may lead to different window opening behavior by residents. Currently, research on residential window opening behavior in northwest China has focused on indoor air quality, and few probabilistic models of residential window behaviors have been established. Therefore, in this …Read more
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    Study Protocol for the Evaluation of Individual Psychological Interventions for Family Caregivers of Advanced Cancer Patients
    with Min Yang, Rui Sun, Yanfeng Wang, Haiyan Xu, Baohua Zou, Yanmin Yang, Minghua Cong, Yadi Zheng, Fei Ma, Tinglin Qiu, and Jiang Li
    Frontiers in Psychology 11. 2021.
    Background: Both anxiety and depression in family caregivers of advanced cancer patients are common, and they have a negative influence on both the FCs and the patients. Some studies suggested that a variety of interventions could alleviate the psychological symptoms of FCs. However, there is no consensus on much more effective methods for intervention, and relatively high-quality research is blank in psychological problems of these population in China. The validity of mindfulness-based stress r…Read more
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    A selective sampling approach to active feature selection
    with Huan Liu and Hiroshi Motoda
    Artificial Intelligence 159 (1-2): 49-74. 2004.
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    Brill Online Books and Journals
    with Simon Clarke, Lu Pan, Philippe Régnier, Adam Fforde, Pauline Eadie, Elvira Bobekova, Scott Pearse-Smith, Isak Svensson, and Shamsul Khan
    Historical Materialism 3 (1). 1998.
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    Large-screen human-computer interaction technology is reflected in all aspects of daily life. The dynamic gesture tracking algorithm commonly used in recent large-screen interactive technologies demonstrates compelling results but suffers from accuracy and real-time problems. This paper systematically addresses these issues by a switching federated filter method that combines particle filtering and Mean Shifting algorithms based on a 3D sensor. Compared with several algorithms, the results show …Read more
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    Large-screen human-computer interaction technology is reflected in all aspects of daily life. The dynamic gesture tracking algorithm commonly used in recent large-screen interactive technologies demonstrates compelling results but suffers from accuracy and real-time problems. This paper systematically addresses these issues by a switching federated filter method that combines particle filtering and Mean Shifting algorithms based on a 3D sensor. Compared with several algorithms, the results show …Read more
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    Binge-Like Eating Is Not Influenced by the Murine Model of OPRM1 A118G Polymorphism
    with Bryn L. Y. Sachdeo, Gina M. Giunta, and Nicholas T. Bello
    Frontiers in Psychology 10. 2019.