I am currently working on my PhD thesis, titled: “Selbstbestimmte Abhängigkeit – Über Freiheit und Reproduktion in Hegels Philosophie“ (engl.: "Self-Determined Dependency – On Freedom and Reproduction in Hegel's Philosophy). In it, I try to bring into conversation the current discussion on Hegel’s concept of life with contemporary feminist accounts of care and reproduction. For this, I focus on Hegel's concept of the family and its connection to the Philosophy of Nature. The project is supervised by Prof. Thomas Khurana.
I am generally interested in Hegelian and Marxist accounts of anthropology and nature, feminists ethics, as well as Neo-Ar…
I am currently working on my PhD thesis, titled: “Selbstbestimmte Abhängigkeit – Über Freiheit und Reproduktion in Hegels Philosophie“ (engl.: "Self-Determined Dependency – On Freedom and Reproduction in Hegel's Philosophy). In it, I try to bring into conversation the current discussion on Hegel’s concept of life with contemporary feminist accounts of care and reproduction. For this, I focus on Hegel's concept of the family and its connection to the Philosophy of Nature. The project is supervised by Prof. Thomas Khurana.
I am generally interested in Hegelian and Marxist accounts of anthropology and nature, feminists ethics, as well as Neo-Aristotelian concepts of ethical naturalism.