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    Abundant evidence has proved an association between peer victimization and problematic online game use. However, the underlying mechanisms of this relation are still under-investigated. Grounded in the ecological system theory, this study examined whether deviant peer affiliation and school connectedness mediated the association between peer victimization and adolescent POGU. A sample of 698 Chinese adolescents completed questionnaires regarding peer victimization, problematic online game use, D…Read more
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    Measuring and Benchmarking Technical Efficiency of Public Hospitals in Tianjin, China
    with Dong Siping
    Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 52 004695801560548. 2015.
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    Social Self-Efficacy and Internet Gaming Disorder Among Chinese Undergraduates: The Mediating Role of Alexithymia and the Moderating Role of Empathy
    with Yanhong Zhang, Ting Liang, Xiong Gan, Xueyan Zheng, and Jingyue Zhang
    Frontiers in Psychology 13. 2022.
    As an increasingly serious social problem, Internet gaming disorder of college students may be related to their social self-efficacy. However, the relationship and its internal mechanisms underlying are still unclear. The current study tested the mediating effect of alexithymia in the association between social self-efficacy and IGD, and whether this mediating process was moderated by empathy. Social Self-Efficacy Scale, Chinese version of Internet Game Addiction Scale, Toronto Alexithymia Scale…Read more
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    Gender differences in emotion experience perception under different facial muscle manipulations
    with Yufeng Wang, Dongjun Zhang, Feng Zou, Yanyan Luo, Meng Zhang, and Yijun Liu
    Consciousness and Cognition 41 24-30. 2016.
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    The Technical Efficiency of Community Health Service Centers in Wuhan, China: Estimation and Policy Implications
    with Xinliang Liu, Quan Wang, Barsanti Sara, Wei Yang, and Siping Dong
    Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55 004695801881297. 2018.
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    Negative Effects of Mobile Phone Addiction Tendency on Spontaneous Brain Microstates: Evidence From Resting-State EEG
    with Jingyi Yue, Yufeng Wang, Feng Zou, Meng Zhang, and Xin Wu
    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15. 2021.
    The prevalence of mobile phone addiction has increased rapidly in recent years, and it has had a certain negative impact on emotions and cognitive capacities. At the level of neural circuits, the continued increase in activity in the brain regions associated with addiction leads to neural adaptations and structural changes. At present, the spontaneous brain microstates that could be negatively influenced by MPA are unclear. In this study, the temporal characteristics of four resting-state electr…Read more
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    Affected Genome Editing Crops: The Consequences of Genome-Edited Babies in China
    with San Yin
    Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3): 1847-1850. 2020.
    Though genome editing is a powerful technology, germline GE engineering is strongly objectionable for a huge ethical challenge. The after-effects of the genome-edited babies incident have been emerging in China, whether technology or ethics. It is very noticeable that the case has been adverse effects on the application of GE technology in other fields, especially in GE crops. After the incident, research and development of GE crops was affected obviously. It is clear that GE crops and other bas…Read more
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    Cultural Differences in Humor Perception, Usage, and Implications
    with Tonglin Jiang and Yubo Hou
    Frontiers in Psychology 10. 2019.
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    Doctors’ Job Satisfaction and Its Relationships With Doctor-Patient Relationship and Work-Family Conflict in China: A Structural Equation Modeling
    with Shumin Deng, Ningxi Yang, Shiyue Li, Wei Wang, and Hong Yan
    Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55 004695801879083. 2018.