•  53
    Capturing Los Migrantes Desaparecidos: Crisis, Unknowability, and the Making of the Missing
    with Vivette García-Deister
    Perspectives on Science 25 (5): 680-697. 2017.
    "Who knows how much longer it will be, but others have crossed over to the US, and have found a job, and have even sent for their families. I am not the only one crossing, I am number 57 out of 72, but we do not walk together, all 72—that would call too much attention to us. We walk at a good pace, each one with their thoughts, we walk from sun to sun without stopping almost; others have done it." These are the words of renowned writer Elena Poniatowska on 72migrantes.com, a virtual altar honori…Read more
  •  22
    Ethical issues in participatory arts methods for young people with adverse childhood experiences
    with Gabriella Pavarini, Nicola Shaughnessy, Anna Mankee-Williams, Josita Kavitha Thirumalai, Natalie Russell, and Kamaldeep Bhui
    Context: Participatory arts-based methods such as photovoice, drama and music have increasingly been used to engage young people who are exposed to psychosocial risks. These methods have the potential to empower youth and provide them with an accessible and welcoming environment to express and manage difficult feelings and experiences. These effects are, however, dependent on the way these methods are implemented and how potential ethical concerns are handled. Objective: Using the current litera…Read more