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    Conceptual Injustice
    The Journal of Ethics 28 (2): 263-286. 2024.
    In recent years, there has been significant interest in injustices that do not consist in inflicting physical or material harm on others, but operate in more subtle ways, e.g. by targeting our status as epistemic agents. In a similar fashion, this paper aims to bring to the forefront a currently overlooked kind of injustice that occurs in relation to our concepts: conceptual injustice, which is characterised by wrongful in- or exclusion from the application of a concept. The first part of the pa…Read more
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    Epistemisches Encroachment, positiv und negativ? Kommentar zu Beings of Thought and Action
    Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 77 (1): 59-62. 2023.
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    Introduction and Discussion of a Special Issue in philosophy of law "Philosophical Dimensions of the Trial"
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    * Special Issue on the Philosophical Dimensions of the Trial* This summarises and discusses the contributions.
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    Attitudes First
    Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 15 (2). 2022.
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    Minimal disturbance: in defence of pragmatic reasons of the right kind
    Philosophical Studies 177 (12): 3615-3636. 2020.
    This paper draws attention to an important methodological shortcoming in debates about what counts as a reason for belief. An extremely influential distinction in this literature is between reasons of the ‘right kind’ and the ‘wrong kind’. However, as I will demonstrate, arguments making use of this distinction often rely on a specific conception of epistemic rationality. Shifting focus to a reasonable alternative, namely a coherentist conception, can lead to surprising consequences—in particula…Read more