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    About the Evolution of the Human Species: Human Robots and Human Enhancement
    with Daniel Terec-Vlad
    Postmodern Openings 5 (3): 67-75. 2014.
    Science and technology have made huge progress, enhancing the human species in the evolution process. The topics related to change, knowledge and new technologies implemented by the individual were considered taboo over 30 years ago; however, nowadays the focus is increasingly laid on the human condition and welfare. Considered to be the latest trend in contemporary philosophy, transhumanism has faced plenty of criticism in terms of human enhancement. It is not surprising that some researchers i…Read more
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    The book „Actiune comunicativa, justitie deliberativa si restaurativa. Perspective socio-juridice asupra medierii si probatiunii” published by Antonio Sandu and Elena Unguru under the aegis of Tritonic Publishing House calls for philosophical, sociological and legal reflections, being a transdisciplinary lesson about justice. The aim of this paper is to analyse the changes within the social reality; understanding the societal avatars is the result of an interpretative agreement achieved through …Read more
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    The Religious Notion in Epistemology
    with Stefan Adrian Andries
    Postmodern Openings 5 (1): 41-52. 2014.
    The aim of this article is to highlight the issue of religiousness from the epistemological perspective. This involves, on the one hand, a scientific approach, and on the other hand the relation between science and religion as the basis of the spirituality of the entire existence, by approaching the religious exposure at social level. If at the scientific level religion occupies a secondary place in terms of the object of research, at the social and anthropological level it plays a vital role by…Read more
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    Beyond Technological Singularity-the Posthuman Condition
    Postmodern Openings 9 (1): 91-108. 2018.
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    The invasion of the new technologies in our lives and the current dependence upon them makes us believe that in a not too distant future we will be made of more technology than biological matter. If until recently computers had hardly been discovered, today we are witnessing a real technological revolution in all the fields: biology, medicine etc. The evolution of the new technologies has raised various questions related to the future of mankind and the current human species, which determines us…Read more
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    What about Eternal Life? A Transhumanist Perspective
    Postmodern Openings 6 (2): 33-41. 2015.
    The human individual has been preoccupied with the phenomenon of death since death expresses the end of the existence on earth. The issue of life and death has not lost its actuality, whereas nowadays life extension is considered the ultimate goal of scientists. The aim of this article is to highlight the problems that will arise along with the achievement of eternal life. In this regard, I shall focus on human enhancement and the principle of procreative beneficence as means of achieving this o…Read more
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    Euthanasia – the Right to a Dignified Death
    with Daniel Terec-Vlad
    Postmodern Openings 4 (4): 11-16. 2013.
    In the contemporary society, ethical issues raise more and more controversial debates. This has also emerged regarding the concept of euthanasia, given that it involves the decision of the patient who is facing the last phase of his life. Since this issue raises more and more debates, we consider it appropriate to bring into discussion the ethical aspects involved by the decision of dying a dignified death. In this article, we consider it would be appropriate to bring into discussion the ethical…Read more
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    The volume “Etica profesionala si transparenta in administratia publica”, published by the philosopher Antonio Sandu under the aegis of Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, in Bucharest, invites the students to find out the secrets of applied ethics through the considerable amount of reading material and the practical applications. Antonio Sandu synthesized the most important aspects of applied ethics in an original manner, in order to let the students and other interested persons discover the secre…Read more