•  230
    Paper 3 This paper discusses how patriarchy made the name 'man' their Brand. It would guarantee their entitlement to rule and control the masses by repeating man in so many names. Partial lists are shown.
  •  174
    During the 11,000 years patriarchy ruled it embedded male-bias in over 20,000 names thus making language suit their ideology of eternal males rule. Every male-biased name stops our species from seeing reality-as-it-is. Every bias hides a truth creating ignorance of what actually exists to be seen and known.
  •  197
    Patriarchy's timeline showing how the Lords of patriarchy developed language in its own self-interest. Exposes the need patriarchy had to make and use language as a political tool to achieve its political ends, control, power and domination.
  •  189
    Paper 6 A personal voyage through the seminal tunnel of language made up of 20,000 names embedding male-bias.
  • Patriarchy created the life-threatening social disease that 11,000 years of rule inflicted on the whole species. The poisonous mix of phallic fantasy, myth and facts, is traumatic stress that the species may not be able to solve its centuries-old problems. Since patriarchy is perpetrated and perpetuated anew every day through male-bias in 20,000 names a big part of the solution is changing names.
  •  179
    Paper 1 The argument is made that the names made to be used by our species as its identity fall short of being a theory. Up to the present it was assumed that the names were based on a theory. No one questioned this situation before.
  •  394
    Paper 18 Defines patriarchal radicalization, imprinted on the mind to change it from being a thinking organ to being a belief-organ. I claim that rights to correct information and factual names about the speech-making species can only be sapient rights.
  •  167
    Clarifies some of the biases embedded in patriarchal language discussed in the previous 9 papers.
  •  20
    Australasian Journal of Philosophy Contents of Volume 91
    with Present Desire Satisfaction, Past Well-Being, Volatile Reasons, Epistemic Focal Bias, Some Evidence is False, Counting Stages, Vague Entailment, What Russell Couldn'T. Describe, Liberal Thinking, and Intentional Action First
    Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (4). 2013.
  •  245
    This paper ties some less well-known names to the bigger categories of embedded male-bias in names (see other papers) that patriarchy made in its development of language, making the masses believe in phallic-based fantasy, the male as superior and mind of the species.
  •  278
    Quotes re the situation of the 10,000 embedded male-biased names in language about our species making people believe the basis of mind is male.
  •  199
    Looks at the development of the sacred after the Sumerians' named the phallus Supreme Creator in 9000 B.C.E. Lists names invented creating belief in Sacred Phallus and names the part male genitals played in supporting the phallus as sacred.
  •  203
    Describes my book from the first bias creating belief in male superiority, to developing language with a massive number of names embedding male bias to guarantee patriarchy's survival, creating belief supplanting knowledge. Suggests changing language with evidence-based, neutral, inclusive and specific names reducing, and perhaps, eliminating male dominance.
  •  134
    Discusses redirecting the mind of sapiens into being, by-name, 'two-men-of-opposite-sexes'. Male-bias redirects the mind from being a relatively consistent thinking organ, by-evolution, into being a belief-agency, creating the masses believing in the lie 'mankind' as whole species. Belief in the Lie becomes "knowledge of our species."