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    Soiling of building envelope surfaces and its effect on solar reflectance - Part III: Interlaboratory study of an accelerated aging method for roofing materials
    with M. Sleiman, S. Chen, H. E. Gilbert, T. W. Kirchstetter, P. Berdahl, E. Bibian, L. S. Bruckman, D. Cremona, R. H. French, M. da GordonEmiliani, J. Kable, L. Ma, M. Martarelli, R. Paolini, M. Prestia, J. Renowden, Marco Revel G., O. Rosseler, M. Shiao, G. Terraneo, T. Yang, M. Zinzi, H. Akbari, R. Levinson, and H. Destaillats
    A laboratory method to simulate natural exposure of roofing materials has been reported in a companion article. In the current article, we describe the results of an international, nine-participant interlaboratory study conducted in accordance with ASTM Standard E691-09 to establish the precision and reproducibility of this protocol. The accelerated soiling and weathering method was applied four times by each laboratory to replicate coupons of 12 products representing a wide variety of roofing c…Read more
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    On family background
    Contemporary Chinese Thought 32 (4): 17-36. 2001.
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    Comparison of nicotine and carcinogen exposure with water pipe and cigarette smoking
    with Jacob P., A. H. A. Raddaha, D. Dempsey, C. Havel, M. Peng, and N. L. Benowitz
    Background: Smoking tobacco preparations in a water pipe is widespread in many places of the world and is perceived by many as relatively safe.Weinvestigated biomarkers of toxicant exposure with water pipe compared with cigarette smoking. Methods: Weconducted a crossover study to assess daily nicotine and carcinogen exposure with water pipe and cigarette smoking in 13 people who were experienced in using both products. Results: When smoking an average of 3 water pipe sessions compared with smoki…Read more
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    We describe an algorithm based on shrinkage in the curvelet domain to attenuate speckles in optical coherence tomography images. The algorithm exploits the curvelet transform's sparse representation of edge discontinuities that are common in OCT images and its ability to map signals and noise into different areas in the curvelet domain. The speckle attenuation is controlled by a single parameter that determines the threshold in the curvelet domain. Applying the algorithm to OCT images shows sign…Read more
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    Tumor-specific chromosome mis-segregation controls cancer plasticity by maintaining tumor heterogeneity
    with Y. Hu, N. Ru, H. Xiao, A. Chaturbedi, Hoa N. T., X. J. Tian, H. Zhang, C. Ke, F. Yan, J. Nelson, Z. Li, R. Gramer, E. Siegel, X. Zhang, Z. Jia, M. R. Jadus, C. L. Limoli, M. E. Linskey, J. Xing, and Y. H. Zhou
    Aneuploidy with chromosome instability is a cancer hallmark. We studied chromosome 7 copy number variation in gliomas and in primary cultures derived from them. We found tumor heterogeneity with cells having Chr7-CNV commonly occurs in gliomas, with a higher percentage of cells in high-grade gliomas carrying more than 2 copies of Chr7, as compared to low-grade gliomas. Interestingly, all Chr7-aneuploid cell types in the parental culture of established glioma cell lines reappeared in single-cell-…Read more
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    In December of last year, a few clowns appeared on the grand and spectacular stage of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. These clowns were the reincarnated ghosts from the Capital Red Guard West City, East City, and Haidian Districts Pickets. They viciously attacked Chairman Mao's revolutionary line, engaged in slander on the Central Cultural Revolution Group, called dear Comrade Jiang Qing names, and sabotaged the organizations under the proletarian dictatorship. They provoked violence,…Read more
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    Editor's Note: Over a long period of time, the evil bourgeois reactionary line has created antagonism between two groups of students in schools—antagonism on the basis of one's family background. This antagonism became very obvious during the initial stage of the Cultural Revolution, and has lasted to this day. It has prevented further criticism of the bourgeois reactionary line and hindered further development of the Cultural Revolution
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    A Criticism of "On Family Background"
    Contemporary Chinese Thought 35 (4): 91-108. 2004.
    The Rising Sun Battlefield Journal published by the East-Is-Red Commune of the Beijing Institute of Light Industry devoted as many as six pages to an all-out attack of "On Family Background" in a long and despicable article titled "The Big Poisonous Weed ‘On Family Background’ Must Be Torn Up by the Roots." In their own words, the appearance of this article was inevitable at a time when the Cultural Revolution reached the stage of great alliance [of mass rebel organizations] and the great power …Read more