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    Negation and modality in unilateral truthmaker semantics
    with Timothée Bernard
    Linguistics and Philosophy 47 (4): 517-555. 2024.
    Fine (J Philos Logic 46(6):625–674, 2017) develops a unilateral and a bilateral truthmaker semantics for propositional logic. The unilateral approach trades off the primitive exact falsification relation of the bilateral approach for a primitive exclusion relation between states, thereby raising the question if exclusion serves any purpose other than to avoid exact falsification. We argue that exclusion is motivated independently of its use in avoiding exact falsification, namely as a foundation…Read more
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    LTAG-spinal and the Treebank
    with Aravind K. Joshi
    We introduce LTAG-spinal, a novel variant of traditional Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar (LTAG) with desirable linguistic, computational and statistical properties. Unlike in traditional LTAG, subcategorization frames and the argument-adjunct distinction are left underspecified in LTAG-spinal. LTAG-spinal with adjunction constraints is weakly equivalent to LTAG. The LTAG-spinal formalism is used to extract an LTAG-spinal Treebank from the Penn Treebank with Propbank annotation. Based on Propba…Read more
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    Psycholinguistic experiments show that pronouns tend to be resolved differently depending on whether they occur in main or subordinate clauses. If a pronoun in a subordinate clause has more than one potential antecedent in the main clause, then the pronoun tends to refer to the antecedent which has a certain thematic role (depending on the verb and on the subordinating conjunction). In contrast, pronouns in main clauses tend to refer back to the subject of the previous main clause, and this tend…Read more
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    (1) adapted from (Higginbotham, 2006): (black instead of red) a. Do you see the man in (or: wearing) the black hat? b. #Do you see the man in (or: wearing) a black hat?
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    In this talk, I first systematize the analogies and complete the picture in some corners. Then, I formally relate the three constructions, and I derive their properties from a single operator. Previous analyses were not designed to account for all three constructions at the same time. Accordingly, I not only assess how well they generalize beyond their intended purpose, but I also evaluate them in their own right. Even so, this analysis improves on previous accounts in several ways. Although I wi…Read more
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    This is a description of the collection of scripts which I'm submitting as a term project for the CIS530 course, what their purpose is, and how to use them. Note that at the moment I'm writing this, the tool is installed on alpha.nlp.liniac.upenn.edu in the directory /home/champoll/tblplus. It will most likely not run anywhere else at the moment, though it can be adapted easily if the relevant packages (especially fnTBL) are installed. See below fore more details