• Xenofeminism and New Tactics for the Left
    with Merray Gerges
    Canadian Art. 2017.
    An open-ended, multi-voiced, online manifesto repositions feminism, technology and the political left.
  • Seminario XF Postmortem
    In Laboria Cuboniks, Olivia Lucca Fraser, Diane Bauer, Helen Hester, Katrina Burch, Amy Ireland & Patricia Reed (eds.), Nuevos Vectores del Xenofeminismo, Holobionte Ediciones. 2022.
    Algunas notas de seguimiento a un seminario en la clase "Teor\’ia trans como teor\’ia de g\’enero" de McKenzie Wark, y reflexiones sobre el Manifiesto Xenofeminista, unos 5 años despu\’es.
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    Urschleim in Silicon: Return-Oriented Program Evolution with ROPER
    Dissertation, Dalhousie University. 2018.
    Return-orientated programming (ROP) identifies pieces of a process’s executable memory ending in a return instruction (gadgets), and enlists them as an instruction set in which a new, “parasitic” program can be written, hijacking the process’s control flow. Since gadgets are already present in executable memory, there is no reliance upon memory being mapped as both writeable and executable, which lets the ROP program (or “chain”) bypass the shellcode attack mitigation known as w ⊕ x. As such ROP…Read more
  • One of the central tasks of Badiou’s Being and Event is to elaborate a theory of the subject in the wake of an axiomatic identification of ontology with mathematics, or, to be precise, with classical Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. The subject, for Badiou, is essentially a free project that originates in an event, and subtracts itself from both being qua being, as well as the linguistic and epistemic apparatuses that govern the situation. The subjective project is, itself, conceived as the temporal…Read more
  • Nuevos Vectores del Xenofeminismo (edited book)
    with Laboria Cuboniks, Diane Bauer, Helen Hester, Katrina Burch, Amy Ireland, and Patricia Reed
    Holobionte Ediciones. 2022.