•  17
    The Importance of Kant’s Schematism for Schelling’s Project of a Philosophy of Nature
    Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 106 (1): 79-105. 2024.
    Counteracting a widespread interpretation of Schelling’s project of a philosophy of nature as anti-Kantian, this paper claims that Kant’s doctrine of the schematism plays a central role in the emergence and development of Schelling’s project. My argument will be structured in the following way. First, I will discuss Schelling’s reception of the schematism in his Ideas for a Philosophy of Nature of 1797, especially as regards his association of it with Kant’s dynamical conception of matter in the…Read more
  •  26
    Nature at the Core of Idealism
    Idealistic Studies 51 (1): 27-49. 2021.
    This paper claims that the inner drive of the discussion leading to the philosophical rupture between Fichte and Schelling is the problem of the independence of nature. I argue that the otherwise rich literature on the subject, by not engaging with this problem, has led to a false dichotomy between two equally unsatisfactory possibilities of interpretation: Schelling’s misunderstanding of Kant’s transcendental method or his overcoming of it. On my account, once one engages with Schelling’s philo…Read more
  • Das Ziel dieses Beitrages ist es, zu zeigen, wie das cartesianische Cogito ,der Boden der modernen Philosophie, das im Begriff des denkenden Subjekts – einem Schlüsselbegriff des westlichen Denkens – seinen Ursprung hat, von einer ganz bestimmten Methode, deren Legitimation in der Geschichte wurzelt, abhängig ist. Anders ausgedrückt, der Begriff des Subjekts, dessen grundlegendes Merkmal die Denktätigkeit ist, und der die Geschichte, eben weil er Begriff ist, hinnehmen muss, ist durch die Geschi…Read more
  •  12
    Only Anthropophagy unites us - Oswald de Andrade's decolonial project
    Cultural Studies Review 34 (1): 122-142. 2020.
    This paper advances the idea that Oswald de Andrade's Anthropophagy, formulated for the first time in 1928, can be read as a decolonial project avant la lettre. In order to establish this thesis, we will reconstruct the project of the Brazilian thinker through a detailed analysis of the first aphorism of his Manifesto Antropófago (Anthropophagist Manifesto). We will argue that, similarly to what will be later articulated by the decolonial approach, Andrade indicates: (i) that the cultural and ec…Read more
  •  8
    Este estudo é uma exploração da concepção de lógica como uma “história pragmática da alma [pragmatische Seelengeschichte]”, tal como ela é formulada pelo médico e filósofo alemão Ernst Platner. Da análise dessa fórmula, pretende-se extrair um esboço do modo como ele concebe as noções de: alma, história, lógica e filosofia. Para tanto, o argumento será estruturado como uma análise: da alma enquanto objeto de estudo da lógica; da história pragmática enquanto método de estudo da lógica; e da compre…Read more
  •  7
    Este artigo argumenta que Fichte, nas primeiras formulações de seu projeto filosófico, apreende a tarefa da filosofia não tanto como uma Crítica da Razão, mas antes como um Autoconhecimento do Espírito, trazendo assim a noção de Espírito para o centro da discussão filosófica. Exploramos o que Fichte entende por Espírito e argumentamos que essa noção, ainda que ela não seja usada de modo consistente ao longo de sua obra, cobre um espaço conceitual fundamental do projeto filosófico fichtiano. O ar…Read more
  •  1288
    Fichte et la puissante impuissance du langage
    Archives de Philosophie 83 (1): 19-32. 2020.
    Cet article montre que Fichte développe une originelle conception du langage dans ses Discours à la Nation allemande d’où il ressort non seulement le besoin de retraduire des concepts philosophiques dans un langage populaire comme aussi celui de formuler un langage plus malléable pour la philosophie en tant que telle. Afin d’explorer cette hypothèse, notre propos suivra les étapes suivantes : (i) nous analyserons la conception fichtéenne du rapport entre popularisation et flexibilisation du lang…Read more
  •  20
    Resumo: Este artigo é um exercício de leitura comparada dos textos Reden an die deutsche Nation, publicado por Johann Gottlieb Fichte, em Berlim, em 1808, e Crítica da razão tupiniquim, publicado por Roberto Gomes, em São Paulo, em 1977. Se, à primeira vista, os dois universos de discurso parecem tão distantes que dificilmente se vê o que os aproxima, parece haver contudo uma flama comum que os anima, na medida em que ambos buscam evitar o aprisionamento do espírito local nos grilhões de um univ…Read more
  •  17
    Independently of the discussions on the development of Fichte’s philosophy, there is something that does not seem to change throughout the more than a dozen presentations of his doctrine, namely, his constant concern with the meaning of philosophy. This concern is such a structuring one for Fichte that he even decides to replace the very name of “philosophy” by another one, less heavy in meaning and better suited to elucidate the nature of this particular activity that constitutes his own projec…Read more
  •  505
    This paper proposes to reconstruct Boaventura de Sousa Santos' conception of "epistemologies of the south" both (a) as a critical theory aiming at denouncing the impoverishment of the epistemic field entailed by the normative imposition of a certain model of knowledge (what we call "the monoculture of reason"), and (b) as a long-term political project of a harmonic coexistence of different epistemologies ("an ecology of knowledges").
  •  30
    Ce travail avance l’idée que le projet philosophique fichtéen consiste en une exploration de la notion même de philosophie dont les contours peuvent être esquissés à partir du remplacement du nom "Philosophia" par le nom Wissenschaftslehre. Cette substitution est le fruit d’une réflexion sur les conditions de possibilité non seulement de la connaissance scientifique, mais aussi du savoir philosophique en tant que tel, lequel doit être compris non comme un rapport sujet-objet, mais comme une acti…Read more
  •  240
    Le voyageur et le pouvoir magique - une étude de la Wissenschaftslehre
    AUC Interpretationes - Studia Philosophica Europeanea 55-71. 2016.
    This article advances the hypothesis that the Fichtean enterprise of grounding all possible experience in a fundamental principle has to fail in order to succeed one of its most important tasks: reformulating the very idea of subjectivity. In order to ground this hypothesis, the paper will be divided in four parts: (i) the first one will analyze the starting point of the work where Fichte lays the foundations of his philosophical project (Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre) so as to show …Read more
  •  185
    Conhecimento e significação prática - uma hipótese aristotélica
    Hypnos. Revista Do Centro de Estudos da Antiguidade 31 219-233. 2013.
    The purpose of this paper is to examine the peculiarity of what Aristotle named practical wisdom or practical knowledge. Pivot to our analysis is the first thesis of the Nicomachean Ethics, where the philosopher appears to state a fallacy when he argues that, given that all actions aim at some good, good is that which every action aims to. We argue that the inference is non-fallacious because of the peculiarity of the practical domain, which manifests itself in the identity of the good and the e…Read more
  •  300
    The aim of this article is to advance the idea according to which the Cartesian Cogito, the ground of modern philosophy and the source of the notion of thinking subject, is tributary of a certain method whose legitimation is grounded in western history. According to this hypothesis, there is a certain tool that plays a fundamental role in the production of this new philosophical notion: the dream. The argument will be developed in four parts. We will first proceed to (i) an analysis of the role …Read more
  •  222
    La pensée nomade et les ontologies cachées - Eduardo Viveiros de Castro face à la pensée régulatrice
    AUC Interpretationes - Studia Philosophica Europeanea (1): 37-58. 2015.
    This paper explores the contrast between two meanings of thinking: (i) one implied by the Cartesian and Kantian philosophy, the two thinkers that have arguably the deepest influence on the constellation of Western philosophical problems and (ii) another implied by the philosophical-anthropological project of the Brazilian anthropologist Eduardo Viveiros de Castro. The thesis here defended is that, in the Cartesian and Kantian philosophy, thinking is related to ruling and legislating over the exp…Read more
  •  21
    La matrice juridique et révolutionnaire de la pensée kantienne
    Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 58 (138): 653-672. 2017.
    Résumé L’article vise à souligner la signification politique de l’avènement de la Critique kantienne. Pour ce faire, une double thèse est défendue : il y a une matrice juridique sous-jacente au mouvement conceptuel de la philosophie critique, dont la puissance émancipatrice et révolutionnaire se manifeste à la lumière du contexte historique de sa formulation. L’argument se déploie de la façon suivante : une exploration des rapports entre la formule « révolution de la pensée » que l’on trouve dan…Read more