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    Democracy and the Post-totalitarian Experience
    with Leszek Koczanowicz, Beth J. Singer, and Frederic R. Kellogg
    Rodopi. 2005.
    This book presents the work of Polish and American philosophers about Poland's transition from Communist domination to democracy. Among their topics are nationalism, liberalism, law and justice, academic freedom, religion, fascism, and anti-Semitism. Beyond their insights into the ongoing situation in Poland, these essays have broader implications, inspiring reflection on dealing with needed social changes.
  • Toward Pragmatic Conservatism
    Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 8 (2): 35-44. 2013.
    Philosophical tradition of American pragmatism, and particularly its branch stemming from the works of John Dewey , is usually associated with the liberal or leftist position in political and social philosophy. The aim of this paper is to consider the question whether the basic ideas of Deweyan pragmatism can be reconciled with, and perhaps inspirational for the conservative thinking, where the „conservative thinking” is defined by reference to six basic principles : ethical absolutism , metaphy…Read more
  • W stronę pragmatycznego konserwatyzmu
    Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 8 (2). 2013.
  • In this article I reconstruct some crucial concepts of John Dewey's naturalistic philosophical anthropology and ethics to show their importance for the Deweyan concept of democracy. In particular, I focus on such concepts, as “human nature”, “selfhood”, “individuality”, and “self-realization”, and argue that these concepts are indispensable if we want to effectively grasp what Dewey intended in his ideal of democracy. In this way I hope to show the vital significance of Dewey's thought for conte…Read more