3WittgensteinCuttack Students' Store. 1978.On Ludwig Wittgenstein, 1889-1951, British philosopher.
10Diversity of bird species in Ado odo wetland Southwest Nigeria was examined in this study. Birds of the same species within 10m of each other were counted in the same group. Human threats to the study area were also examined. Forty-two wetlands within the Ado – Odo Wetlands complex were surveyed. Data obtained from the field survey were entered into excel spread sheet prior to both descriptive and analytical statistics. The computer PAST Model version 3 was used to analyze bird species diversity…Read more
17Nepālako darśanaparamparāNepāla Prajñā-Pratishṭhāna. 2022.Study on Indic philosophy and religion; with a special reference to Nepal.
27The New Party of Order? Coalition Politics in the AcademyDoing What Comes Naturally: Change, Rhetoric and Theory in Literary and Legal Studies"Us and Them: On the Philosophical Bases of Political Criticism"Contingencies of Value: Alternative Perspectives for Critical Theory (review)Diacritics 22 (1): 34. 1992.
31Different Solution Strategies for Solving Epidemic Model in Imprecise EnvironmentComplexity 2018 1-18. 2018.We study the different solution strategy for solving epidemic model in different imprecise environment, that is, a Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible model in imprecise environment. The imprecise parameter is also taken as fuzzy and interval environment. Three different solution procedures for solving governing fuzzy differential equation, that is, fuzzy differential inclusion method, extension principle method, and fuzzy derivative approaches, are considered. The interval differential equation is…Read more
2141Social Justice in AncientIn K. D. Irani & Morris Silver (eds.), Social justice in the ancient world, Greenwood Press. pp. 91. 1995.
2Dreadlocks vaka vuku: special issue: proceedings of the Pacific Epistemologies Conference, 2006 (edited book)Published by the Pacific Writing Forum for the School of Language, Arts, and Media, Faculty of Arts and Media, University of the South Pacific. 2006.
2Yoga and Āyurveda: their alliedness and scope as positive health scienceChaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan. 1989.
Stevens Institute of TechnologyRetired faculty
Stevens Institute of TechnologyProfessor (Part-time)
Greenwich Village, New York, United States of America
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