•  101
    Dasar-dasar Filosofis Ilmu Olahraga
    Jurnal Filsafat 13 (2): 138-146. 2007.
    Sport in our society is a part of common daily activity, and also is an art of competition. Various aspects involved in sports events such as human resources, building, investment, equipments, and anyother needs. Internal probelms such as efforts to gain the best position in local, national, and international events implicate so many other probelms. Beside those probelms, sport develops in any scientific studies like Psychology of Sport, Politics of Sport, Law Study of Spoert, etc. All of those …Read more
  • Tulisan ini bermuara pada citizenship education yang dilihat dalam perspektif kemungkinan perkembangannya di masa depan dihubungkan dengan pendidikan karakter. Istilah Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dan Karakter (PKnK) diintrodusir penulis untuk menunjuk pada kelekatan orientatif-koherensif kedua disiplin tersebut, selain dari mengadopsi istilah CCE (Character and Citizenship Education) Singapura