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    Where Merleau-Ponty Meets Dewey: Habit, Embodiment, and Education
    Studies in Philosophy and Education 42 (6): 599-615. 2023.
    This paper utilises selective writings by John Dewey and Maurice Merleau-Ponty as the conceptual basis for considering how an enhanced synergistic focus on habit and embodiment could support practice gains in schools. The paper focuses on Dewey’s belief that established habits can help students to incorporate experiences into evaluations of educational progress and Merleau-Ponty’s spotlight on the body-subject, and how it provides a holistic way of conceiving relations that avoid over privilegin…Read more
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    Emphasising an Embodied Phenomenological Sense of the Self and the Social in Education
    British Journal of Educational Studies 69 (3): 365-380. 2021.
    This paper reviews the theoretical underpinnings of phenomenology-related writings which support claims that the self and the social (the ‘I’ and the ‘We’) can plausibly be integrated and nurtured together in education. We begin by analysing contemporary theorising which suggests that reviewing foundational phenomenologists, particularly Husserl and Merleau-Ponty, can lead to greater clarity in understanding and appreciating the intersubjective sense of the self and the social. This perspective …Read more
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    The paper calls for a re-evaluation of physical education’s cognitive value claims, as this issue is fundamental to many of the conceptual difficulties the subject faces. Current epistemological challenges are reviewed before analysing the structural connections between intelligent practice and intelligent virtues, and the possibilities for physical education to better articulate its’ intrinsic and instrumental values claims. The paper evaluates arguments made on this basis and reviews revised c…Read more
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    Reconstructing Dewey: Habit, Embodiment and Health and Well-Being
    British Journal of Educational Studies 66 (3): 307-319. 2018.
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    Cultivating Practical Wisdom as Education
    with Aaron Marshall
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (14): 1541-1553. 2014.
    This article argues, from a critical realist perspective, that it would be beneficial to extend thinking on how personal and social education could become more central to students’ learning. We explore how constructive-informed arrangements which emphasize cognitive skills and affective qualities could be realized through experiential approaches to learning. Our theorizing is informed by neo-Aristotelian thinking on the importance of identifying mutually acceptable value commitments which can cu…Read more