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    At the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, several countries declared “states of exception,” that is, authorized legal devices that, in the face of circumstances deemed catastrophic, permit the implementation of extraordinary measures and the temporary suspension of some rights in order to restore the previous state of affairs as soon as possible. This paper offers a comparative textual analysis of the different states of exception declared in the USA, France, and Spain. I argue that these texts …Read more
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    La filosofia com a forma de vida
    Forma 1 165. 2009.
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    Los Límites De La Afinidad Entre La Concepción Derrideana Del Lenguaje Y La Rabínica
    Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 70 (263): 385. 2014.
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    Immunity and Community in Esposito, Derrida and Agamben
    Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 48 (1): 93-112. 2022.
    Roberto Esposito (1998; 2002; 2008) examines how immunological apparatuses originally designed to protect communities end up undermining communities. This paper explores comparatively his view on the interplay between community and immunity with Giorgio Agamben’s and Jacques Derrida’s, although in their works these notions appear under other labels. Beyond pointing out their similarities, the paper concludes by analyzing what, in our view, constitute the raison d’être of their ultimate and irrec…Read more
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    Norbert Bilbeny (2010), Ecoética. Ética del medio ambiente. Aresta, Barcelona//184 pp (review)
    Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2): 238. 2011.
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