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    Constitutive Rules: The Symbolization Account
    with Bruno Celano
    Ratio Juris 34 (3): 244-262. 2021.
    Our aim is to provide an account of constitutive rules in terms of (1) the acceptance of regulative norms, and (2) a cognitive process we call “symbolization” (in an altogether different sense from what J. R. Searle means by this word). We claim, first, that institutional facts à la Searle boil down to facts concerning the collective acceptance of regulative norms in a given community. This, however, does not exhaust what institutional facts are. There is a residue, symbolization. Symbolization,…Read more
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    Rules and norms
    Revus 30 33-57. 2016.
    Celano’s notion of a “pre-convention” is grounded in the opposition between two allegedly different kinds of normative behaviour: observing a “rule” and conforming to a “norm”. This opposition plays a central role in Celano’s paper, and marks a crucial point in his intellectual trajectory. Nevertheless, it remains largely implicit. In this paper, I try to make it fully explicit, giving a more precise characterisation of both kinds of normative behaviour. I also focus on the importance of disting…Read more
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    Celano’s notion of a “pre-convention” is grounded in the opposition between two types of normative behaviour: following a rule and conforming to a norm. The opposition plays a central role in Celano’s paper, and marks a crucial point in his intellectual trajectory. Nevertheless, it remains largely implicit. In this paper I try to make it fully explicit, giving a more precise, albeit sketchy, characterization of both kinds of normative behaviour. I also focus on the importance of distinguishing b…Read more