Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Linguistics and Philosophy
PhD, 1992
Tucson, Arizona, United States of America
  •  4
    33.1 what is metaphor?: A tentative characterization
    In Ernie Lepore & Barry C. Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language, Oxford University Press. pp. 845. 2005.
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    In Ernest LePore & Barry C. Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook to the Philosophy of Language, Oxford University Press. 2006.
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    In Ernie Lepore & Barry C. Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language, Oxford University Press. 2005.
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    Understanding First: Exploring Its Scope and Testing Its Limits
    Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 30 (3): 205-207. 2023.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Understanding First: Exploring Its Scope and Testing Its LimitsMarga Reimer, PhD (bio)I thoroughly enjoyed reading and reflecting on this provocative, engagingly written, and persuasively argued paper. My commentary focuses on the authors’ “understanding first” principle. I begin by exploring that principle’s scope by appeal to aesthetic analogues to the moral cases of Pete and Jacob; I then explore its limits by appeal to cases invo…Read more
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    In Ernest LePore & Barry C. Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook to the Philosophy of Language, Oxford University Press. pp. 845. 2006.
    Metaphor has traditionally been construed as a linguistic phenomenon: as something produced and understood by speakers of natural language. So understood, metaphors are naturally viewed as linguistic expressions of a particular type, or as linguistic expressions used in a particular type of way. This linguistic conception of metaphor is adopted in this article. In doing so, the article does not intend to rule out the possibility of non-linguistic forms of metaphor. Many theorists think that non-…Read more
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    “Hesperus is Phosphorus”: Contingent or Necessary?
    Facta Philosophica 2 (1): 3-21. 2000.
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    The problem of empty names
    Australasian Journal of Philosophy 79 (4). 2001.
    This Article does not have an abstract
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    Quantification and context
    Linguistics and Philosophy 21 (1): 95-115. 1998.
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    A Defense of De Re Belief Reports
    Mind and Language 10 (4): 446-463. 1995.
    In Talk About Beliefs, Mark Crimmins claims that de re belief reports are not nearly as common as they are generally thought to be. In the following paper, I take issue with this claim. I begin with a critique of Crimmins’arguments on behalf of the claim, and then follow with an argument on behalf of the opposing claim: that de re belief reports are indeed quite common. In defending this claim, I make some observations about the nature of tacit reference, a phenomenon central to Crimmins’account…Read more
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    Davidson on metaphor
    Midwest Studies in Philosophy 25 (1). 2001.
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    Distinguishing Between the Psychiatrically and Philosophically Deluded: Easier Said Than Done
    Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17 (4): 341-346. 2010.
    take leave of one’s senses English, Verb. 1. (idiomatic) To go crazy; to stop behaving rationally A Chief concern in “Only a Philosopher or a Madman” was to draw attention to a number of striking yet underappreciated similarities between paradigm psychiatric delusions and standard philosophical doctrines, “nihilistic” as well as “common sense.” The similarities were presented as illuminating given their potential to inform the debate over whether psychiatric delusions are properly (or usefully) …Read more
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    The wettstein/salmon debate: Critique and resolution
    Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 79 (2). 1998.
    Does Keith Donnellan's referential/attributive distinction have ‘semantic significance’? Howard Wettstein has claimed (in several papers) that it does; Nathan Salmon has responded (in several papers) that it does not. Specifically, while Wettstein has claimed that definite descriptions, used referentially, function semantically as demonstratives, Salmon has responded to Wettstein's claims by defending a unitary Russellian account of such expressions, according to which they invariably function a…Read more
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    Remark and Reply
    Linguistics and Philosophy 18 655-675. 1995.
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    Incomplete descriptions
    Erkenntnis 37 (3). 1992.
    Standard attempts to defend Russell's Theory of Descriptions against the problem posed by incomplete descriptions, are discussed and dismissed as inadequate. It is then suggested that one such attempt, one which exploits the notion of a contextually delimited domain of quantification, may be applicable to incomplete quantifier expressions which are typically treated as quantificational: expressions of the form AllF's, NoF's, SomeF's, Exactly eightF's, etc. In this way, one is able to retain the …Read more
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    Donnellan's distinction/Kripke's test
    Analysis 58 (2): 89-100. 1998.
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    What Do Belief Ascrebers Really Mean? A Reply to Stephen Schiffer
    Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 77 (4): 404-423. 2017.
    Stephen Schiffer has recently claimed that the currently popular “hidden‐indexical” theory of belief reports is an implausible theory of such reports. His central argument for this claim is based on what he refers to as the “meaning‐intention” problem. In this paper, I claim that the meaning‐intention problem is powerless against the hidden‐indexical theory of belief reports. I further contend that the theory is in fact a plausible theory of such reports.
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    The problem of dead metaphors
    Philosophical Studies 82 (1). 1996.
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    Metaphorical Meanings. Do you see what I mean?
    The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 3. 2007.
    My intention in this paper is to propose a conception of metaphorical meaning on which the meaning of a metaphor includes propositional as well as non-propositional features. I will make two general claims on behalf of the proposed account: first, it is intuitive; second, it is of theoretical value. In claiming that the proposed account is of theoretical value, I mean only that its adoption leads to an increased understanding of the nature of metaphor: of metaphorical thought and ofmetaphorical …Read more
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    Demonstrating with descriptions
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 52 (4): 877-893. 1992.
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    Demonstratives, demonstrations, and demonstrata
    Philosophical Studies 63 (2): 187--202. 1991.
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    What Do Belief Ascrebers Really Mean? A Reply to Stephen Schiffer
    Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 77 (4): 404-423. 2017.
    Stephen Schiffer has recently claimed that the currently popular “hidden‐indexical” theory of belief reports is an implausible theory of such reports. His central argument for this claim is based on what he refers to as the “meaning‐intention” problem. In this paper, I claim that the meaning‐intention problem is powerless against the hidden‐indexical theory of belief reports. I further contend that the theory is in fact a plausible theory of such reports.
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    Review of John Perry, Reference and Reflexivity (review)
    Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2002 (6). 2002.