•  1
    Normas, valores y racionalidad [Reseña de "Normas y Valores"] (review)
    Postconvencionales: Ética, Universidad, Democracia 3 185-188. 2011.
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    Environmental law and sustainable development
    Revista Iberoamericana de Bioética 4. 2017.
    This article analyses the origin and birth of the human right to a safe and healthy environment in order to allow everyone to live a dignified and quality life. It also analyses the essential content of sustainable development, which must always guide the development of environmental law to ensure a healthy environment for human present and future generations, and a sustainable economic growth that contributes to the development of equal opportunities for all people.
  •  45
    When Ignorance is No Excuse
    In Philip Robichaud & Jan Willem Wieland (eds.), Responsibility - The Epistemic Condition, Oxford University Press. 2017.
    Ignorance is often a perfectly good excuse. There are interesting debates about whether non-culpable factual ignorance and mistake subvert obligation, but little disagreement about whether non-culpable factual ignorance and mistake exculpate. What about agents who have all the relevant facts in view but fail to meet their obligations because they do not have the right moral beliefs? If their ignorance of their obligations derives from mistaken moral beliefs or from ignorance of the moral signifi…Read more
  • El desplome de la dicotomía hecho/valor y otros ensayos
    Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 29 (1): 149-153. 2009.
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    Glock on analytic philosophy and history
    Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy (I). 2011.
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    El derecho al trabajo en la Constitución Española
    Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 62 (979): 44-48. 2012.
    El art. 35 de la Constitución española de 1978 reconoce a los españoles "el deber de trabajar y el derecho al trabajo, a la libre elección de profesión u oficio, a la promoción a través del trabajo y a una remuneración suficiente para satisfacer sus necesidades y las de su familia, sin que en ningún caso pueda hacerse discriminación por razón de sexo"
  •  36
    Las células madre embrionarias humanas son células pluripotentes con potenciales aplicaciones en medicina regenerativa e interés considerable en investigación y biotecnología. Sin embargo, dada la estrecha relación con principios morales y bioéticos, ha existido una considerable discusión sobre la posibilidad de patentar o no este tipo de células madre. En el presente artículo, se revisa la legislación europea en materia de propiedad industrial, y la tradición del sistema jurídico continental en…Read more
  •  11
    Language and Silence in the Novels of J. M. Coetzee
    Philosophy Today 68 (2): 307-325. 2024.
    Silence is reserved for what cannot be verbally expressed. The well-known Wittgensteinian quote summarizes an established understanding of the relationship between language and silence: because language is not enough to account for reality and thinking, it must be transcended by other means of expression, like music or silence. But what if the opposite is the case and silence is not the extension but the precondition of language, the ultimate source of meaning? This paper explores how this is th…Read more
  •  7
    Wittgenstein on Action and the Will
    In Hans-Johann Glock & John Hyman (eds.), A Companion to Wittgenstein, Wiley-blackwell. 2017.
    Wittgenstein's views on action and the will changed throughout his philosophical writings, although there are common themes to be found within this evolution. This chapter concerns his later views on action and the will, as expressed in remarks on these topics mainly in Philosophical Investigations. It explores some core themes in those remarks and examines how some of these were taken up and developed by Wittgenstein's student Elizabeth Anscombe, in her influential monograph Intention. Wittgens…Read more
  •  5
    Reasons for Action and Practical Reasoning
    In Maximilian De Gaynesford (ed.), Agents and Their Actions, Wiley-blackwell. 2011.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The premises of practical reasoning Practical reasoning and goals Practical reasoning.
  •  17
    Guanajuato, «Ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad». ¿Oportunidad o desafío para el turismo sostenible?
    with Luz María Oralia Tamayo Pérez, Jorge González Sánchez, and Alma Villaseñor Franco
    Arbor 193 (785): 402. 2017.
  •  115
    P. F. Strawson, Moral Theories and ‘The Problem of Blame’: ‘Freedom and Resentment’ Revisited
    Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 95 (1): 183-203. 2021.
    After nearly sixty years, the influence of Peter Strawson’s ‘Freedom and Resentment’ remains strong in discussions of moral responsibility. However, as the paper has become more remote in time and in intellectual climate, some of those influences have turned into amplifications of ideas and claims that are misinterpretations or distortions of the paper, while other notions have been projected onto it. I try to make the case for this charge specifically in relation to what has become accepted as …Read more
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    Nietzsche on Language
    Philosophical Topics 33 (2): 1-17. 2005.
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    Letting Happen, Omissions and Causation
    Grazer Philosophische Studien 61 (1): 63-81. 2001.
    In this paper I consider whether it is possible to cause an event by letting it happen
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    Acting for Aesthetic Reasons
    Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 54 (1). 2020.
    It seems natural to think that there are aesthetic reasons for action and that an artist must be guided by such reasons as he or she begins work on the canvas or poem or symphony or marble. This latter supposition seems at odds, however, not only with classical inspiration theory but also with the views of one of the last century’s most important philosophers of art, R. G. Collingwood. We propose an account of acting for an aesthetic reason inspired by G. E. M. Anscombe’s Intention, specifically…Read more
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    Editorial: from the new Editors
    Philosophy 95 (1): 1-2. 2020.
  •  7
    Editorial: paradoxes
    Philosophy 95 (2): 153-154. 2020.
  • Editorial
    Philosophy 95 (3): 237-238. 2020.
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    Philosophy 96 (3): 333-334. 2021.
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    Editorial: Issue Devoted to the Work of David Wiggins
    Philosophy 97 (3): 267-268. 2022.
  •  183
    Hintikka considers that the “Transcendental Deduction” includes finding the role that concepts in the effort is meant by human activities of acquiring knowledge; and it affirms that the principles governing human activities of knowledge can be objective rules that can become transcendental conditions of experience and no conditions contingent product of nature of human agents involved in the know. In his opinion, intuition as it is used by Kant not be understood in the traditional way, ie as pro…Read more
  •  427
    The Concept of Moral Obligation: Anscombe contra Korsgaard
    Philosophy 82 (4): 543-552. 2007.
    A number of recent writers have expressed scepticism about the viability of a specifically moral concept of obligation, and some of the considerations offered have been interesting and persuasive. This is a scepticism that has its roots in Nietzsche, even if he is mentioned only rather rarely in the debate. More proximately, the scepticism in question receives seminal expression in Elizabeth Anscombe's 1958 essay, ‘Modern Moral Philosophy’, a piece that is often paid lip-service to, but—like Nie…Read more
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    Agency and Two‐Way Powers
    Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 113 (1pt1): 101-121. 2013.
    In this paper I propose a way of characterizing human agency in terms of the concept of a two‐way power. I outline this conception of agency, defend it against some objections, and briefly indicate how it relates to free agency and to moral praise‐ and blameworthiness.
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    Are Character Traits Dispositions?
    Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 80 69-86. 2017.
    The last three decades have seen much important work on powers and dispositions: what they are and how they are related to the phenomena that constitute their manifestation. These debates have tended to focus on ‘paradigmatic’ dispositions, i.e. physical dispositions such as conductivity, elasticity, radioactivity, etc. It is often assumed, implicitly or explicitly, that the conclusions of these debates concerning physical dispositions can be extended to psychological dispositions, such as belie…Read more
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