•  469
    Resumen. En esta exploración se centra en identificar y desarrollar en dos grupos de la materia deComportamiento Organizacional a nivel licenciatura la competencia de auto-administración y ética conun enfoque humanista y para ello, se comienza por utilizar un instrumento que permita realizar un primeracercamiento se presentan los resultados preliminares.Palabras clave. Auto-administración, ética y competencia.. This exploration is focused on identifying and developing into two groups regardingor…Read more
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    Transference, or identiry theories of causation?
    Theoria 19 (1): 31-47. 2004.
    Transference theorists propose to explain causation in terms of the transference of a physical element. I argue, in two steps, that this is not possible. First, I show that available accounts of ‘transference’ ultimately convey that transference -and, consequently, causation- is the (non-relational) identity over time of the transferred element (a universal, a trope, or even an absolute substance). But, second, I try to defend, it is conceptually impossible that causation is (non-relational) ide…Read more
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    Invariance of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Construct Across Clinical Populations and Sociodemographic Variables
    with Pablo Alejandro Pérez-Díaz, Denisse Manrique-Millones, Maria Isabel Vásquez-Suyo, Rosa Millones-Rivalles, Nataly Fernández-Ríos, Juan-Carlos Pérez-González, and K. V. Petrides
    Frontiers in Psychology 13. 2022.
    Recent research has shown that cultural, linguistic, and sociodemographic peculiarities influence the measurement of trait emotional intelligence. Assessing trait EI in different populations fosters cross-cultural research and expands the construct’s nomological network. In mental health, the trait EI of clinical populations has been scarcely researched. Accordingly, the present study examined the relationship between trait EI and key sociodemographic variables on Trait Emotional Intelligence Qu…Read more
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    Beyond the Educational Context: Relevance of Intrinsic Reading Motivation During COVID-19 Confinement in Spain
    with Raquel De Sixte, Inmaculada Fajardo, Amelia Mañá, Álvaro Jáñez, Marta Ramos, Federica Natalizi, Barbara Arfé, and Javier Rosales
    Frontiers in Psychology 12. 2021.
    What role could have intrinsic motivation toward reading in an extraordinary situation like the recent confinement? This research examines the relationship between intrinsic reading motivation and reading habits in an adult population considering types of reading, gender, and distress generated by the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Participants were 3,849 adults from Spain who were surveyed about their reading practices: before, during the first weeks, and after several weeks of confinement.…Read more
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    READ-COGvid: A Database From Reading and Media Habits During COVID-19 Confinement in Spain and Italy
    with Ladislao Salmerón, Barbara Arfé, Vicenta Avila, Raquel Cerdán, Raquel De Sixte, Pablo Delgado, Inmaculada Fajardo, Antonio Ferrer, Laura Gil, Nadina Gómez-Merino, Álvaro Jáñez, Gemma Lluch, Amelia Mañá, Lucia Mason, Federica Natalizi, Marina Pi-Ruano, Luis Ramos, Marta Ramos, Javier Roca, Eva Rosa, Javier Rosales, Alba Rubio, Marian Serrano-Mendizábal, Noemi Skrobiszewska, Cristina Vargas, Marta Vergara-Martínez, and Manuel Perea
    Frontiers in Psychology 11. 2020.
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    Using the scope of justice perspective (Deutsch in J Soc Issues 31(3):137–149, 1975 ; Opotow in Conflict, cooperation, and justice: essays inspired by the work of Morton Deutsch, 1995 , J Soc Issues 52:19–24, 1996 ), we examined whether and how the relationship between perceived discrimination against minorities at work (i.e., racial minorities and females) and citizenship behavior toward minorities can be modified by personal value for diversity. Based on a survey of 173 employees, unexpectedly…Read more
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    . Shared leadership goes hand in hand with an organizational culture; this means it is intended to innovation. In another sense for learning organizations innovation is a successful and permanent process becomes routine, rather it is a fact particularly unusual or distracting people from the central work, strategic medullar any organization, in the organizations main objective is the responsible management of communication, even as a basic instrument that empowers the leader and determines its m…Read more
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    Animal Assisted Therapy Program As a Useful Adjunct to Conventional Psychosocial Rehabilitation for Patients with Schizophrenia: Results of a Small-scale Randomized Controlled Trial
    with Paula Calvo, Joan R. Fortuny, Sergio Guzmán, Cristina Macías, Jonathan Bowen, Olivia Orejas, Ferran Molins, Asta Tvarijonaviciute, José J. Cerón, Antoni Bulbena, and Jaume Fatjó
    Frontiers in Psychology 7. 2016.
  •  37
    La actualidad de la hermenéutica. Entrevista a Jean Grondin y Ramón Rodríguez
    with Iñigo Pérez Irigoyen and Antón Sánchez Testas
    Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 49 (n/a): 11-20. 2016.
    De manera paradójica, la actualidad de la hermenéutica debe buscarse en su diálogo con la tradición filosófica. Diálogo que daría comienzo, en primer lugar, con su recepción de Husserl, la cual no se puede entender tanto como una traición al proyecto fenomenológico cuanto como un llevarlo hasta sus últimas consecuencias. En segundo lugar, la vuelta sobre el proyecto moderno conduciría a un dialógo con Kant y a la discusión de la posición de un sujeto trascendental como condición de la objetivida…Read more
  •  35
    . In this part of the research process shows progress of the author´s doctoral thesis which seeks to offer from the union between practice and academy to the diagnosis of labor markets, monitoring and trend analysis and it also addresses the issue of understanding the relationships that this problem occurs in a particular moment in time when comparing the self-evaluations among recent graduates with self-assessments of people who are at a high level position in the automotive sector Guanajuato a…Read more
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    Do Trait Emotional Intelligence and Dispositional Mindfulness Have a Complementary Effect on the Children’s and Adolescents’ Emotional States?
    with Jose M. Mestre, Jorge Turanzas, Joan Guerra, Jose R. Cordon, Gabriel G. De La Torre, and Victor M. Lopez-Ramos
    Frontiers in Psychology 10. 2019.
  •  32
    Caracterización de materiales sólidos porosos mediante termoporometría
    with Claudia Bernal, Betty L. López, Sergio Andrés Urrego Restrepo, and Mónica Mesa Cadavid
    Scientia. forthcoming.
  •  30
    Beta Hebbian Learning for intrusion detection in networks with MQTT Protocols for IoT devices
    with Álvaro Michelena, José Aveleira-Mata, David Yeregui Marcos del Blanco, Míriam Timiraos Díaz, Francisco Zayas-Gato, Esteban Jove, José-Luis Casteleiro-Roca, Héctor Quintián, Héctor Alaiz-Moretón, and José Luis Calvo-Rolle
    Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (2): 352-365. 2024.
    This paper aims to enhance security in IoT device networks through a visual tool that utilizes three projection techniques, including Beta Hebbian Learning (BHL), t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) and ISOMAP, in order to facilitate the identification of network attacks by human experts. This work research begins with the creation of a testing environment with IoT devices and web clients, simulating attacks over Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) for recording all releva…Read more
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    The Responsibility of Estimating Missing Data
    with Guillermo Vallejo-Seco, Pablo Livácic-Rojas, and Ellian Tuero-Herrero
    Frontiers in Psychology 9. 2018.
  •  28
    El siguiente informe pericial se basa en la experiencia de investigación de los firmantes en relación a las exhumaciones de fosas comunes de la Guerra Civil y la postguerra, y al conocido como “movimiento para la recuperación de la memoria histórica” que están teniendo lugar en España desde el año 2000, que ha enfatizado sus demandas sobre la suerte de los desaparecidos y ha puesto en marcha un ciclo de exhumaciones de fosas comunes derivadas de la Guerra Civil y la dictadura. En este peritaje s…Read more
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    El pensamiento y la actividad del movimiento feminista se ha traducido en una conquista de realidades nuevas y diferentes tendentes a lograr la transformación de la situación de dependencia y sumisión de las mujeres respecto a los hombres. Si bien es cierto que a lo largo de este proceso de emancipación las mujeres han cosechado un innegable éxito en las sociedades democráticas, al menos en lo que se refiere a la construcción legislativa, se mantiene una desigual posición de hombres y mujeres en…Read more
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    Participation in Citizen Science: Insights from the CONECT-e Case Study
    with Victoria Reyes-García, Antonio Perdomo-Molina, Marta Rivera-Ferre, Laura Calvet-Mir, Laura Aceituno-Mata, Manuel Pardo-de-Santayana, and Petra Benyei
    Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (4): 755-788. 2021.
    Citizen science is growing quickly, given its potential to enhance knowledge coproduction by diverse participants, generating large and global data sets. However, uneven participation in CS is still an important concern. This work aims to understand participation dynamics in CS and how they are shaped by participation barriers and drivers. We do so by examining participation in CONECT-e, a CS project that uses a wiki-like platform to document traditional ecological knowledge. More precisely, we …Read more
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    Obituario de nuestro compañero Rogelio Rubio.
  •  24
    Soberanía: una nueva forma de contener y administrar la violencia
    Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 6 (6): 147-154. 2012.
    Sovereignty was not only a theory for the proper law of a State but a way of taking away the autonomy of the prophetic spirit and subject to the dialectics of state and government interests. Sovereignty implies that there is no force that operates outside the power capable of regenerating and bring salvation to a people corrupt. Sovereignty involves the creation of a mirage, the manifestation of the free spirit of the people is a product or invention of state power. The homogenization and depers…Read more
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    ¿Intuición o confianza racional?
    Quaderns de Filosofia 5 (2): 49. 2018.
    Intuition or rational trust? Resumen: Según la concepción tradicional, la justificación de las creencias lógicas básicas —entendida tanto inferencial como no-inferencialmente— no logra evitar ni la circularidad, ni la regresión al infinito. Justificar reglas básicas lógicas inferencialmente conlleva usar principios lógicos con lo que se genera un círculo vicioso. Apelar a fuentes básicas como la intuición, no sortea todas las dificultades. Argumentaré que es preciso recurrir a una “habilitación”…Read more
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    ¿Qué evalúan los instrumentos de evaluación?. Valoraciones de estudiantes
    with Mónica Porto Currás and Elisa Navarro Medina
    Arbor 189 (760). 2013.
  •  19
    Reflective based learning for nursing ethical competency during clinical practices
    with Isabel Font Jiménez, Laura Ortega Sanz, Juan Luis González Pascual, Pilar González Sanz, and María F. Jiménez-Herrera
    Nursing Ethics 30 (4): 598-613. 2023.
    BackgroundA combination of theoretical and practical approaches is required to learn and acquire ethical competencies in caring. Occasionally, reflection on practical action differs from theoretica...
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    De Rationibus ac Principiis Quibus Constat Comparatio Aliarum Linguarum (SLA) ad Linguam Latinam Tralatis ac Conversis
    Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 113 (3): 335-356. 2020.
  •  17
    Is the Relectio of Indis only a discourse of political analysis?
    with Claudio Agüero San Juan and Gustavo Poblete Espíndola
    Alpha (Osorno) 44 153-173. 2017.
    Resumen: Este artículo postula que el mejor modo de leer la Relectio de Indis de Francisco de Vitoria es considerar que no solo se trata de un texto que pertenece al género de análisis político. Para fundar esta hipótesis de lectura la investigación discurre en tres niveles: analiza el contexto de producción del texto; fija las características de los textos de análisis político y propone un autor y lector modelos de la Relectio. La conclusión de la investigación distingue entre interpretación y …Read more