•  7
    Economic autarkeia: the legitimacy of the economic discourse based on the concept of physis
    Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 28. 2019.
    The concept of autarkeia present in the Aristotelian Politics is conceived as inseparable from the end of the city-State, insofar as it is not only constituted for mere living but for living well. This implies a moralization of the state order that allows us to think about the conformation of an economic dimension based on the concept of autarkeia. Taking as a methodological starting point the “dialogical tension zones” device, we will affirm that exists an Aristotelian economic thinking based o…Read more
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    Cardiac coherence, self-regulation, autonomic stability, and psychosocial well-being
    with Rollin McCraty
    Frontiers in Psychology 5 104218. 2014.
    The ability to alter one’s emotional responses is central to overall well-being and to effectively meeting the demands of life. One of the chief symptoms of events such as trauma, that overwhelm our capacities to successfully handle and adapt to them, is a shift in our internal baseline reference such that there ensues a repetitive activation of the traumatic event. This can result in high vigilance and over-sensitivity to environmental signals which are reflected in inappropriate emotional resp…Read more
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    Un extranjero en su propia tierra. Aristipo como modelo del ápolis aristotélico
    Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 18 124-147. 2013.
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    Un extranjero en su propia tierra: Aristipo como modelo del Ápolisaristotélico
    Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 18 124-147. 2013.
    El debate en torno a Aristipo de Cirene, cuya concepción de la felicidad coloca en el centro de la escena al placer, pone en tela de juicio las afirmaciones propias de aquellas éticas nucleadas bajo el epíteto de eudemonistas. Con el desplazamiento de la felicidad del sitial del fin, Aristipo reformula la dimensión ética tradicional: a través del ejercicio de la enkráteia, y lejos de caer en un relativismo subjetivista, intenta construir una ética que tenga como base un objetivismo gnoseológico.…Read more