• Conceptos, flexibilidad semántica y caracterizaciones asociativas
    In Mariela Aguilera, Laura Danón, Carolina Scotto & Elisabeth Camp (eds.), Conceptos, lenguaje y cognición, Editorial Universidad Nacional De Córdoba. 2015.
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    Conceptos, lenguaje y cognición (edited book)
    with Laura Danón, Carolina Scotto, and Elisabeth Camp
    Editorial Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. 2015.
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    Maps, language, and concepts: toward a pluralist theory of representacional format
    Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 24 (1): 121-146. 2020.
    A great number of investigations suggest that cognition involves both linguistic and cartographic representations. These researches have motivated a pluralist conception of cognition; also, they have been used to clarify how maps differ from linguistic representations. However, the computational processes underlying the interphase between both kinds of representations deserve further attention. In this paper, I argue that, despite their differences, cartographic representations coexist and inter…Read more
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    Negación pictórica en contextos inferenciales
    Dianoia 66 (87): 119-129. 2021.
    Resumen De acuerdo con Barceló, la posibilidad de la negación pictórica constituye una prueba a favor del externismo lógico porque no depende de encontrar elementos internos en las imágenes que expresan la negación. Propongo analizar la negación pictórica en contextos de razonamiento para mostrar cómo el contenido de una imagen se determina por relaciones lógicas externas. Para ello, propongo restringir el análisis del dominio completo de relaciones lógicas externas a contextos específicos de ra…Read more
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    Heterogeneous inferences with maps
    Synthese 199 (1-2): 3805-3824. 2021.
    Since Tolman’s paper in 1948, psychologists and neuroscientists have argued that cartographic representations play an important role in cognition. These empirical findings align with some theoretical works developed by philosophers who promote a pluralist view of representational vehicles, stating that cognitive processes involve representations with different formats. However, the inferential relations between maps and representations with different formats have not been sufficiently explored. …Read more
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    Animals without a language in the space of concepts
    Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 29 (2): 25-38. 2010.
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    Animales sin lenguaje en el espacio de los conceptos
    Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 29 (2): 25-38. 2010.
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    Maps, Language, and the Conceptual–Non-Conceptual Distinction
    Grazer Philosophische Studien 98 (2): 287-315. 2021.
    To make the case for non-conceptualism, Heck draws on an apparent dichotomy between linguistic and iconic representations. According to Heck, whereas linguistic representations have conceptual content, the content of iconic representations is non-conceptual. Based on the case of cartographic systems, the authors criticize Heck’s dichotomous distinction. They argue that maps are composed of semantically arbitrary elements that play different syntactic roles. Based on this, they claim that maps ha…Read more
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    Why the content of animal thought cannot be propositional
    Análisis Filosófico 38 (2): 183-207. 2018.
    In “Steps toward Origins of Propositional Thought”, Burge claims that animals of different species are capable of making deductive inferences. According to Burge, that is why propositional thought is extended beyond the human mind to the minds of other kinds of creatures. But, as I argue here, the inferential capacities of animals do not guarantee a propositional structure. According to my argument, propositional content has predicates that might involve a quantificational structure. And the abs…Read more
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    Mapas, lenguaje y conceptos: hacia una teoría pluralista del formato de los conceptos
    Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 24 (1): 121-146. 2020.
    A great number of investigations suggest that cognition involves both linguistic and cartographic representations. These researches have motivated a pluralist conception of cognition; also, they have been used to clarify how maps differ from linguistic representations. However, the computational processes underlying the interphase between both kinds of representations deserve further attention. In this paper, I argue that, despite their differences, cartographic representations coexist and inter…Read more
  • Conceptos, lenguaje y cognición (edited book)
    with Danon Laura and Scotto Carolina
    Editorial de la UNC. 2015.
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    Cartographic systems and non-linguistic inference
    Philosophical Psychology 29 (3): 349-364. 2016.
    It is often assumed that the capability to make inferences requires language. Against this assumption, I claim that inferential abilities do not necessarily require a language. On the contrary, certain cartographic systems could be used to explain some forms of inferences, and they are capable of warranting rational relations between contents they represent. By arguing that certain maps, as well as sentences, are adequate for inferential processes, I do not mean to neglect that there are importa…Read more
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    Pensamientos de primer orden
    Critica 45 (133): 55-81. 2013.
    Uno de los argumentos en favor de la dependencia entre lenguaje y conceptos descansa en la premisa de que la posesión de conceptos involucra pensamientos de segundo orden y éstos, a su vez, requieren lenguaje. Este trabajo se centra en una variante de este argumento formulada por José Luis Bermúdez. Sostendré que aun cuando el pensamiento de segundo orden suponga competencia lingüística, no es necesario aceptar esa premisa. Propondré, en cambio, dos condiciones alternativas para la posesión de c…Read more