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    Formal verification of ethical choices in autonomous systems
    with Louise Dennis, Michael Fisher, and Matt Webster
    Robotics And Autonomous Systems 77 1-14. 2016.
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    Detecting bots with temporal logic
    Synthese 202 (3): 1-39. 2023.
    Social bots are computer programs that act like human users on social media platforms. Social bot detection is a rapidly growing field dominated by machine learning approaches. In this paper, we propose a complementary method to machine learning by exploring bot detection as a model checking problem. We introduce Temporal Network Logic (TNL) which we use to specify social networks where agents can post and follow each other. Using this logic, we formalize different types of social bot behavior w…Read more
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    AI Journal Special Issue on Ethics for Autonomous Systems
    with Michael Fisher and Sven Koenig
    Artificial Intelligence 305 (C): 103677. 2022.
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    Software-controlled bots, also called social bots, are computer programs that act like human users on social media platforms. Recent work on detection of social bots is dominated by machine learning approaches. In this paper we explore bot detection as a model checking problem. We introduce Temporal Network Logic which we use to specify social networks where agents can post and follow each other. In this logic we formalize different types of social bot behavior. These are formulas that are satis…Read more
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    The European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information is organized every year by the Association for Logic, Language and Information in different sites around Europe. The main focus of ESSLLI is on the interface between linguistics, logic and computation. ESSLLI offers foundational, introductory and advanced courses, as well as workshops, covering a wide variety of topics within the three areas of interest: Language and Computation, Language and Logic, and Logic and Computation. During t…Read more
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    Recognition-primed group decisions via judgement aggregation
    with Guido Boella
    Synthese 189 (S1): 51-65. 2012.
    We introduce a conceptual model for reaching group decisions. Our model extends a well-known, single-agent cognitive model, the recognition-primed decision (RPD) model. The RPD model includes a recognition phase and an evaluation phase. Group extensions of the RPD model, applicable to a group of RPD agents, have been considered in the literature, however the proposed models do not formalize how distributed and possibly inconsistent information can be combined in either phase. We show how such in…Read more