I teach Philosophy at University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, Texas. I have published over 100 papers in areas such as ethics, psychoanalysis, ancient philosophy and science, philosophy of sport, and social and political philosophy and has authored 27 books including many on Thomas Jefferson, including Dutiful Correspondent: Philosophical Essays on Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson’s Philosophy of Education: A Utopian Dream, and Thomas Jefferson: Uncovering His Unique Philosophy and Vision. I am also the author of an entry titled “Thomas Jefferson” for Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Of a forthcoming book, Taking Things by their Smooth Handle: Jefferson on Morality, the Moral Sense, and Good Living, American Studies scholar Ari Helo writes, “This is yet another genuinely remarkable achievement in the field of Jefferson studies offered by Doctor Holowchak, who has fast established himself as the world’s foremost expert in Jefferson’s philosophical thought.” Of my most recent book, ‘To Perfect the Principles of Society”: Jefferson’s Political Philosophy and the Metaphysics of Utopia behind It (Brill, 2016), UVA professor Garrett Ward Sheldon writes, “This book is an exceedingly comprehensive presentation of Thomas Jefferson’s political ideals within the context of the philosophical, moral, religious, economic and even literary thought of his time. … I expect that it will eventually become a kind of ‘classic,’ not just in Jeffersonian Scholarship, but as a distinctive interpretation of American, and Western civilization.”
Freshly divorced, I am looking for tenured work at an institution which would support my ongoing research on Thomas Jefferson.
When not teaching or writing, I enjoy strength training (former super-heavyweight powerlifting champion), biking, gardening, travel, cooking, brewing and consuming beer, polite conversation, and talking about Thomas Jefferson.
For more on my work on TJ, see http://www.thomasjeffersonphilosopher.com