15Cutting the Gordian knot of world poverty: Thomas Pogge’s Alexandrian solutionFilozofija I Društvo 25 (3): 290-312. 2014.nema
15Reasons of love and moral thinkingBelgrade Philosophical Annual 1 (32): 115-131. 2019.There are two widely-held intuitions about morality. One is the claim that all persons have equal moral worth; the other is that sometimes we are morally allowed or even required to give preference to those individuals whom we love. How can we justify our reasons of love in the face of moral egalitarianism? as of recently, there are three mutually competing accounts of why it could be said that we have reasons of love: (i) the projects view, (ii) the relationship view, and (iii) the individuals …Read more
2Clare Chambers, Against Marriage: An Egalitarian Defense of the Marriage-Free State (review)Croatian Journal of Philosophy 19 (1): 175-180. 2019.
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